  • Jul 4, 2023

    Binge watch YouTube videos
    Window shopping in the city
    Go on a hinge date or go to a club

  • Jul 4, 2023

    Wouldn't you like to know

  • plants 🌻
    Jul 4, 2023

    Wake up at 6am like i do every day

    Brew a cuppa joe and sit on my enclosed porch with the cat on my lap just enjoying the cool desert morning air. Maybe read a lil, maybe have some tunes playing, maybe journal a lil, prolly solve the days wordle.

    Then I water the garden which is a delight. My sunflowers are just beginning to open. Only about 3-5 have bloomed, hundreds more yet to go!

    AT some point around this morning time I'll check my list for the day, if its Sunday i got the farm pickup 12-2, if its saturday maybe I hit the farmers market around 8. I always got cleaning to do and yard work to tackle. I usually make breakfasts on the weekend too for my wife cuz she's busy teaching on weekends. At some point im gonna exercise, maybe its kettlebells maybe its yoga maybe its a bike ride.

    Prolly hit a grocery store or two around noon, maybe another store for sum if I been needing it.

    And the evening I sometimes got a friend to meet either at my place, their place, or somewhere else. If not maybe i'll take my wife on a date, maybe just cook a nice dinner and watch a flick, idk i play it by ear usually