All I see on twitter is how much of a man the men who wear dresses and paint their nails are?
And that everything you were taught about being a man growing up is either toxic masculinity or brought up from broke girls?
It feels like we’re trying to erase every bit of masculinity under the shade of it all being toxic and I don’t get It
It’s like we being told being FEMININE is better than being MASCULINE
It’s a social construct and will naturally vary from one individual/community to the next
Masculinity varies by race (different social communities frame gender code from local context- sometimes Black males are viewed as hypermasculinized, sometimes Asian males are read as effeminate- tho I’m generalizing from what I take to be an American, westernized view of masculinity) /nation (different social communities frame masculinity from national figures-lore-cultural representations) /sexuality (queer, straight masculinity, etc) /age (People are masculinized in different ways across generations) etc
I’d like to say that I don’t really care about masculinity, but gender performance is everywhere and hard to ignore, especially when I see people who break ‘natural’ gender codes or people who seem to really play into what I see as a ‘stereotypical’ masculinity
Who cares
Like be a virtuous and morally upright human being and worry less about what social media mfers have to say
Some parts of masculinity are definitely biological not just social
So get yoked out and respect women what's the problem here
It’s a social construct and will naturally vary from one individual/community to the next
It’s all just labels and expectations, it’s all created from society so who cares at the end of the day (unfortunately the world still does but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy)
Idk but I struggle with it, I sometimes dont feel man enough but at the same time I have no idea what it means. I feel like that due to the reaction I get from people especially females
Just be yourself, and be a good person. Nothing is wrong with being masculine or feminine as long as you do that
since 2015 they have weaponized the idea that masculine qualities should be replaced by feminine ones
the idea is that women are more "human" and men are being demonized for behaving naturally
since 2015 they have weaponized the idea that masculine qualities should be replaced by feminine ones
the idea is that women are more "human" and men are being demonized for behaving naturally
All I see on twitter is how much of a man the men who wear dresses and paint their nails are?
And that everything you were taught about being a man growing up is either toxic masculinity or brought up from broke girls?
It feels like we’re trying to erase every bit of masculinity under the shade of it all being toxic and I don’t get It
It’s like we being told being FEMININE is better than being MASCULINE
My advice would be just to ignore the social media bs on this stuff and live however tf u wanna live.
The key point should be that there is no meaning to being masculine. If you wanna be “traditionally” masculine then do it, if you wanna wear traditionally feminine clothing and makeup and take interest in activities marketed towards women then do that.
Imo neither option makes u more or less of a man / masculine. Aside from a few hysterical people online, only genuinely toxic behaviour will be labelled toxic masculinity in the real world.
If you stick to not bein a twat u should be fine
whatever u say
dont defend it, cause they on yo ass