  • I feel like he’s one of the best out rn and he gets better every time he drops new music. Good rapping, good singing, top tier production. Bro is really that nigga tbh

  • do some heroin

  • Mar 7
    1 reply

    I get it, but like, Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now???

    had to get the joke off OP all fun :)

  • Mar 7
    1 reply

    it would probably help if he didn't drop the same album for the last 7 years

    edit: and I'm genuinely rooting for him, was listening back during CTV1

  • Slap Druski on stage.

  • lioned 🤠
    Mar 7
    Blue Genes
    · edited

    it would probably help if he didn't drop the same album for the last 7 years

    edit: and I'm genuinely rooting for him, was listening back during CTV1

  • Mar 7
    2 replies

    clean up his writing, his lyrics are either nonsensical or just embarrassing half the time

    he’s a guilty pleasure of mine cause the production and everything else is pretty great but he’s just an awful writer lol

  • he's done probably the most he could do to be taken serious. but unfortunately being eccentric from cali and a famous kids son that acts turns people off

  • getting help with making his concepts coherent + executing them could help too

    like SYRE was a vague reference to the Greek myth Icarus who flew too close to the sun and SYRE is supposed to be some rebel guy that’s actually him… or a persona? and what?

    like the dots were never connected in the project and it just came off as stoner-y

    then he flipped it around for ERYS and there was still basically nothing done with the apparent concept of the album lol

  • I’d need him to start rapping very candidly about his family’s time in Scientology to get interested tbh

  • lioned 🤠
    Mar 7
    st mis

    clean up his writing, his lyrics are either nonsensical or just embarrassing half the time

    he’s a guilty pleasure of mine cause the production and everything else is pretty great but he’s just an awful writer lol

  • I love Jaden but he needs to take notes from Willow. It's just in his DNA because of his dad whenever he talks or tries his hand at something it gives off nepo baby vibes. He could fail at everything and still be fine for the rest of his life. When you hear other rappers they're rapping like the rent due and Jaden doesn't have that fire in him

    He raps like a fan doing his best impression of Kanye, Drake, Cudi, Frank or whoever he's into that month. He needs to find his own identity but I don't think he ever truly will if he hasn't already. Him and Willow got everything at their disposal but only she's attracted a real audience

  • CTV3 was underrated tho his best work by far. I thought that would be his breakout

  • lioned 🤠
    Mar 7
    The Darkest Angel

    CTV3 was underrated tho his best work by far. I thought that would be his breakout

  • he dont gotta do s***

  • The Darkest Angel

    I love Jaden but he needs to take notes from Willow. It's just in his DNA because of his dad whenever he talks or tries his hand at something it gives off nepo baby vibes. He could fail at everything and still be fine for the rest of his life. When you hear other rappers they're rapping like the rent due and Jaden doesn't have that fire in him

    He raps like a fan doing his best impression of Kanye, Drake, Cudi, Frank or whoever he's into that month. He needs to find his own identity but I don't think he ever truly will if he hasn't already. Him and Willow got everything at their disposal but only she's attracted a real audience

    willow has an amazing voice


    I get it, but like, Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now???


    had to get the joke off OP all fun :)

  • Mar 7
    2 replies
    st mis

    clean up his writing, his lyrics are either nonsensical or just embarrassing half the time

    he’s a guilty pleasure of mine cause the production and everything else is pretty great but he’s just an awful writer lol

    ”Gettin' green, gettin' green
    Man I'm artichokin', man I'm artichokin'
    I can't breathe that's the art of chokin'
    Tha-that's the art of chokin'
    Send a text and never opened it
    You thought I read this s***, well I was strokin'”

    like what is blud waffling about

  • st mis

    ”Gettin' green, gettin' green
    Man I'm artichokin', man I'm artichokin'
    I can't breathe that's the art of chokin'
    Tha-that's the art of chokin'
    Send a text and never opened it
    You thought I read this s***, well I was strokin'”

    like what is blud waffling about

    I respect that he writes for himself but I don't think he has much real world experience to pull from. You got to just vibe to his music you can't listen to what he's saying

  • Mar 7
    1 reply
    st mis

    ”Gettin' green, gettin' green
    Man I'm artichokin', man I'm artichokin'
    I can't breathe that's the art of chokin'
    Tha-that's the art of chokin'
    Send a text and never opened it
    You thought I read this s***, well I was strokin'”

    like what is blud waffling about

    His rapping improved a lot from this album though

  • he needs to stop taking psychedelics and give us his sober thoughts

  • The Darkest Angel

    I respect that he writes for himself but I don't think he has much real world experience to pull from. You got to just vibe to his music you can't listen to what he's saying

    yeah i get that but sometimes it’s just so cringy and bad it takes me out of the song

    like the s*** absolutely slaps no problem but the lyrics are so bad that i find myself just like “wtf is this nigga on about”

    he makes Travis look like Shakespeare

  • idk but i never have and never will take him seriously as a musician that is

  • Mar 7
    1 reply

    Get hooked on heroin.

  • Free YoungBoy

    His rapping improved a lot from this album though

    i remember liking the rap tracks on ERYS somewhat but i preferred the rock, R&B-y stuff way more, i think he should look to center himself that way cause he does have a nice voice i think

    ill prob run his stuff back