I don’t remember seeing any talk about her all that often on here, and I’m curious about it.
Im kinda torn on her. Her output is really good, from the stuff I’ve heard, but part of me wonders if that’s just because of her insanely talented producer brother.
She’s definitely a talented vocalist, but so much of her specific sound, with the typically sparse beats and subtle vocals feels crafted with his assistance.
Everyone gets help though, and no one can do it alone, so it doesn’t really matter much to me if he did help her with that.
The main thing that irks me about her is media persona. I find it grating. That music is good tho.
What do y’all think?
Thought this was an OMEGA thread ngl. I came just to see if I was right about that specifically
Never keep her music in rotation but i like specific tracks from her
most emotionally resonant stuff's gotta be that goodbye song to her friends and family from the bad guy album and then the song from the Barbie movie