95% of them. But hate sleeping alone, the motion, underground kings, the ride, my side… too many to name
Feel No Ways: one of his smoothest, grooviest and nicest tracks. Jordan's use of 80s electro pop instruments is brilliant and those crispy and cinematic synths to end the track are pure bliss.
especially the second half
Freak in you remix, lotta 42, days in the east, child's play, final fantasy, fire & desire, signs and manyyyy more
Feel No Ways: one of his smoothest, grooviest and nicest tracks. Jordan's use of 80s electro pop instruments is brilliant and those crispy and cinematic synths to end the track are pure bliss.
100% agree! Even the people who hated Views said that this was the stand out song
depends on what you’re looking for but i feel like everyone universally is looking for a Dreams Money Can Buy song from Drake at all times so that would be my masterpiece pick