  • Aug 8, 2020
    1 reply

    why do all Americans think unless you are like blonde with blue eyes and pale skin then you aren't really white or something

  • Aug 8, 2020
    3 replies

    Wait did OP just say ''italic''

  • Aug 8, 2020
    2 replies

    the f*** is an Italic

  • Aug 8, 2020
    1 reply

    why do all Americans think unless you are like blonde with blue eyes and pale skin then you aren't really white or something

    Yes, all Americans think this

  • Aug 8, 2020
    1 reply

    great thread creasy

  • Aug 8, 2020

    What is it with that race obsession in this section lmaoo.

    Society is obsessed with it, can’t blame us. No point in hiding it either

  • Aug 8, 2020

    Yes, all Americans think this

    when op isnt even american

  • Aug 8, 2020

    the f*** is an Italic

  • Aug 8, 2020

  • Aug 8, 2020
    1 reply

    bro du bist kanacke

    Bin ich das

  • Aug 8, 2020

    she wanted to fight me one time for posting this

    Rightfully so

  • Aug 8, 2020

    Bin ich das


  • Aug 9, 2020

    you have to be American. You've clearly never encountered a real Italian person or been there. Yes they are white

    I went to Italy on my senior trip not sure why that matters

  • Aug 9, 2020

    it’s been 4 days and i’m still so confused by this thread

  • Aug 9, 2020


  • Puma

  • Aug 9, 2020

    Wait did OP just say ''italic''



    bro du bist kanacke

    du bist verrückt für das

  • Aug 9, 2020

    Am I f***ing white or not ??!?!

  • Aug 9, 2020
    2 replies

    Italians are white for sure no doubt, they look like british people w dark hair 💀 especially the northern parts where majority live

    Only sicilians id say are diet white

    Greeks on the other hand?? There is literally no difference between a greek and lebanese or palestinian person

    Mfs just got lucked out and got born in the good side of the neighborhood

  • Aug 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Italic can actually be used to reference something being italian apparently, but what's funny is the word itself is Greek in nature lol

    Have no idea why the notion that italians (or other people from Mediterranean countries in Europe) "aren't white" has seen a minor resurgence in social media circles lately tho. These are the same folks who are responsible for the magazines that reported Antonio Banderas as "one of the only non-white people" nominated for an Oscar last year — before quickly retracting it and apologizing


    Never knew that about “Italic” I don’t think I’ve seen that used as an epithet for Italian culture

    I have a friend from Sardiana who used to tell me that they were the “N-word of Europe”

  • Aug 9, 2020

    non existant

  • Aug 9, 2020


    Never knew that about “Italic” I don’t think I’ve seen that used as an epithet for Italian culture

    I have a friend from Sardiana who used to tell me that they were the “N-word of Europe”

    What the f*** lmao

  • Aug 9, 2020
    1 reply

    is it Italian? like italic or whatever like idk how to explain it fully when in ancient times did people like that look too? Roman Empire?

    All jokes aside, look up the “Black Irish” and their link to the Spanish Armada
