  • Jul 2, 2021

    Wow you just rediscovered a classic

    classic moment in music history

  • Jul 2, 2021

    Got left in 2012

  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply

    These songs really helped me through some s*** tho

  • Jul 2, 2021

    These songs really helped me through some s*** tho


  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Jul 2, 2021

    Yes, thats all it takes

    I’m right, peace.

  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply
  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Holy s*** I completely forgot this tape existed

  • Jul 2, 2021

    Holy s*** I completely forgot this tape existed

    I did too until recently lil b so influential

  • Jul 2, 2021

    I mean realistically how long was the meme supposed to last?

  • Jul 2, 2021

    Dude left a massive legacy with “based” all on its own

  • Jul 2, 2021

    heres a young timothee chalamet getting blessed by the based god

    is it a coincidence he's a movie star now? idk man based god really did that.

  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply

    holy s*** this was 8 years ago


    KTT picked Black Ken over this.

  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply

    The way I see it he intentionally stepped back from being in the limelight. When you look at his peak in popularity vs now there are some key differences in the choices he makes and they seem intentional.

    First of all his mixtapes are all extremely long now and therefore dropping at a much lower rate. Most people aren’t going to delve into at 50+ track mixtape unless you’re a Kendrick or a Beyoncé. Sure Lil B used to drop a long mixtape every once in a while, but by and large his output was a fairly consistent run of average length mixtapes every few months. Nowadays he’s dropping what, 1 or 2 projects a year, and they’re always anthologies.

    Secondly his meme / video output has been reduced to 2% of what he used to do. Gone are the days of hype videos for songs like I Own Swag or Ellen Degeneres. The videos were the main way that his music got shared around the internet, so when his once prolific YouTube channel started to wane, so did public interest.

    Third is media presence. Lil B isn’t out here doing interviews or even commenting on most current events on social media.

    Lastly is the music itself is harder to digest within those long mixtapes and without singles being chosen / videos coming out. So this one is also a combination of the first two issues.

    In conclusion, Lil B seems to have intentionally backed away from the limelight based on the reasons I’ve outlined above. Thank you for reading.

  • Jul 2, 2021

    holy s*** this was 8 years ago


    takes me back to my apartment days lol

  • Jul 2, 2021

    lil b a landlord

  • Jul 2, 2021

    He got fat and makes songs with retired p***stars now:


    got fat and only doing 1,000 views on youtube

  • Jul 2, 2021

    He got fat and makes songs with retired p***stars now:


    This is like a fever dream

    Bro looks like a parody Lil Wayne

  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply

    This Jako girl not even singing the whole song

    What did she even do beside licking milk

  • Jul 2, 2021

    holy s*** this was 8 years ago


    World would be different if California Boy the album came out

  • Jul 2, 2021

    The way I see it he intentionally stepped back from being in the limelight. When you look at his peak in popularity vs now there are some key differences in the choices he makes and they seem intentional.

    First of all his mixtapes are all extremely long now and therefore dropping at a much lower rate. Most people aren’t going to delve into at 50+ track mixtape unless you’re a Kendrick or a Beyoncé. Sure Lil B used to drop a long mixtape every once in a while, but by and large his output was a fairly consistent run of average length mixtapes every few months. Nowadays he’s dropping what, 1 or 2 projects a year, and they’re always anthologies.

    Secondly his meme / video output has been reduced to 2% of what he used to do. Gone are the days of hype videos for songs like I Own Swag or Ellen Degeneres. The videos were the main way that his music got shared around the internet, so when his once prolific YouTube channel started to wane, so did public interest.

    Third is media presence. Lil B isn’t out here doing interviews or even commenting on most current events on social media.

    Lastly is the music itself is harder to digest within those long mixtapes and without singles being chosen / videos coming out. So this one is also a combination of the first two issues.

    In conclusion, Lil B seems to have intentionally backed away from the limelight based on the reasons I’ve outlined above. Thank you for reading.

    big f***ing facts right here

  • Jul 2, 2021

    This is one of the most beautiful hip hop songs ever

  • Jul 2, 2021

    White supremacists favorite term

  • Jul 2, 2021
    1 reply

    This Jako girl not even singing the whole song

    What did she even do beside licking milk

    She's the DJ, she is also former p***star Darcie Dolce


    He got fat and makes songs with retired p***stars now:


    wow this is f***ing banger

    motherfucker has me junping off the walls now

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply

    She's the DJ, she is also former p***star Darcie Dolce

    Did she actually produce the song?