I remember when the first uncharted dropped for ps3, it had those amazing water effects, and how your clothes would get wet. That was amazing at the time. Other good ones are
Gta v
Just Cause
Assassin's Creed games
10 minute mark
Death Stranding
In order
10 minute mark
you cannot be serious
Kr0niic has never seen water
Kr0niic has never seen water
Show me some good water then
Show me some good water then
Now that’s some good water
Now that’s some good water
it really is isnt it (not real btw)
I like putting wave race in there, as a game for it's time.
We’re talking about water
That's how you know it's a slow time with all these good games coming out, but they ain't out yet
Anyway, water is super hard to do right in game development apparently, so it's nice to acknowledge it
Never forget nerds hating on Spiderman for the quality of the water puddles