This song piqued my homegirls curiosity and she sent it over and asked what genre would this be called, but I'm honestly stumped.
this is jazz music op
Hellish Boy
2 years ago (edited)
My name is Andrew and, weirdly enough, I can testify that this is (and I am being 100% truthful and honest) what it feels like living. This is the entire vibe of my entire existence so far in this sound wave form. I can only experience a surreal distorted purity around me at all times and now I can further enhance that experience. Thank you.
But nah on the real Jonwayne cool. He's very aware he is the lyrical miracle kinda white rapper, but he says a lot of dope/thought provoking s***. Wonder what he's been up to. Last I heard he kicked his drinking habit so that's dope.
But nah on the real Jonwayne cool. He's very aware he is the lyrical miracle kinda white rapper, but he says a lot of dope/thought provoking s***. Wonder what he's been up to. Last I heard he kicked his drinking habit so that's dope.
he streams and does youtube, he shows off his whole process with the octatrack, it's really amazing
i love this one in particular
he's working on another rap album but no ETA on that
But nah on the real Jonwayne cool. He's very aware he is the lyrical miracle kinda white rapper, but he says a lot of dope/thought provoking s***. Wonder what he's been up to. Last I heard he kicked his drinking habit so that's dope.
Rap album 2 top 5 rap album by a white dude