This is just my opinion, and it might sound ridiculous to you all but i've thought about it since i heard the Yandhi leaks initially.
This album would have been loaded with conspiracy type subject matter, and would have been like an explosion of expanded consciousness in current culture.
lyrics included: "money ain't real, time ain't real" , "giving up my slave name", etc.
songs like We Got Love, Law Of Attraction, Last Name, Cash To Burn (to name a few) would be almost cultural shocks, in the sense that their subject matter is very direct and so far from what is popular in music currently. I believe many of these songs would have been at the top of the charts for a long time (this is a MBDTF level album imo).
On Simulation Baptize, Kanye seems to admit to having done "a lot of s***" that could get him in trouble, pretty much admitting his wrongdoings before anyone had the chance of accusing him. This album is like a confession of sin, but also a statement of redemption and rebirth.
"Dear one's we are looking to bring you enlightenment, to offer illumination in stormy skies" - Alien
This brings me to what I think happened to the album.
Kanye's lawsuit against Empire Music. Ye saught to buy back his entire catalog, as well as free himself from the contract of servitude he was stuck in. The lawsuit was settled just prior to the release of Jesus Is King. What this means is that Kanye was not able to regain ownership of his catalog, and is STILL in his contract.
Kanye and his team probably foresaw the way this lawsuit was going to end, and so they thought "the people need Yandhi". I believe Kanye had some sort of ego death experience on a psychedelic, and made many of the realizations he raps about on the Yandhi leaks. But the truth is you can't give enlightenment to other people, no matter what the lyrics are or how good the music is. He probably figured that people would only pick out the negatives from the lyrics and defeat the purpose of the album.
so what did he do? the Yandhi leaks were slowly sold to the fans over time. Kanye decides that he will now only make christian music, so even though he serves Empire Music, he really serves God. Now we have Yandhi (the underground bootleg enlightenment album),
and we have Jesus Is King (Kanye's victory over the powers that be)
Maybe i'm out of my mind, but either way it's a crazy thought to ponder.
started laughing out loud when you mentioned simulation baptize
f*** it i heard Can U Be is yandhi era