we left sgp in 2012
Listening on Apple Music right now
Spotify is so ass for this kind of things.
we left sgp in 2012
Im pretty sure he monthly rants against rocky on twitter
putting xD in your post automatically invalidates everything u say
Your getting on my nerves
Im pretty sure he monthly rants against rocky on twitter
He's active on Facebook
Grow up.
u coming into threads with nothing productive to say and just correcting spelling
YOU grow up tf
u coming into threads with nothing productive to say and just correcting spelling
YOU grow up tf
I am so f***ing sorry.
Yeah that probably has something to do with it. Sample clearance and falling out’s are the main reasons most ur favorite mixtapes arent coming to DSP’s
or Purrp could do a side B deluxe for Blvcklvnd radix cause its 10 yr anniversary next year to
blackland 2 out now
blackland 2 out now
!https://youtu.be/hgTDOG107Ycyea ik
that's not what I said at all tho
What if Rocky & SGP finally bury the beef before the 10 year liveloveasap anniversary