I used to play Alto Sax from middle school to high school but I really wished I got into piano. I still can but life s*** gets in the way from me fully committing
used to play piano
would love to play drums but it’s not feasible at all in a studio apartment
hand drums
simple piano (self taught)
saxophone (school taught, but cant play it anymore due to one of my lungs collapsing due to health issues and it only reinflated half way - the sax is the most taxing instrument with air flow and breathe control so i got f***ed into not being able to ever play it again properly)
simple guitar (school taught, havent played in like 10 years tho so its basically nonexistent at this point, i dont even remember how to tune)
simple singing (i have a unique voice due to my lung and vocal cord health issues n ive learned how to control it to an extent by myself and from a teach - i can never be a falsetto or sumn like that tho - and school choirs would always try to get me to do low end singing)
what i want to do:
learn more complex piano
learn the trumpet (since it isnt as taxing as sax or most other wind/brass instruments)
i love brass instruments the most, followed by piano then strings
if i could go back in time knowing about my lung issues ahead of time, i would have learned the violin instead of the sax
i also do mixing n mastering online n used to do it at a local studio along with co-production (i also sold beats n loop packs for a bit). i used to do it irl in person a few years before covid, but due to my health issues i had to be isolated for basically two years, so thats when i moved to online stuff such as packs n beats. now i trimmed it down to just mixing and co production for clients while i work on my own music with my own people in CA and AZ that is coming out next year.
in school in california of the bayarea my school let you have a main instrument that they also provide, then you have a secondary instrument that you learn off hand and that you have to buy or rent
saxophone was my main, acoustic guitar my secondary - although i was never into the guitar tbh
Can play a bit of piano and couldve learned guitar if i kept at it as a kid smh
Since your saying voice counts i guess thats my main instrument. And i can produce
Gonna pick guitar back up, In fact im gonna be proficient at guitar and piano before i die.
i also used to be better when i was younger with reading music but nowadays since late high school i can barely read any of it anymore - although i do have basic knowledge and concept of "professional" music thanks to those elementary n middle school classes
shoutout daws and their key/tune finders n ghost notes to keep you on track with what you want to do
i have always been considered good at what i do from people too, from teachers to online from instruments to beats - i always had a good ear and then developed my own self real confidence and own sound style late high school early adulthood
n i learned how to mix and master in young adulthood thanks to self taught but also the big homie who went to college to be an engineer
i started doing beats at 14 or 15 years old as a teen and dropped my first beat tape at 16 iirc
i also used to be better when i was younger with reading music but nowadays since late high school i can barely read any of it anymore - although i do have basic knowledge and concept of "professional" music thanks to those elementary n middle school classes
shoutout daws and their key/tune finders n ghost notes to keep you on track with what you want to do
i have always been considered good at what i do from people too, from teachers to online from instruments to beats - i always had a good ear and then developed my own self real confidence and own sound style late high school early adulthood
n i learned how to mix and master in young adulthood thanks to self taught but also the big homie who went to college to be an engineer
i started doing beats at 14 or 15 years old as a teen and dropped my first beat tape at 16 iirc
Once you’re able to make your away around a daw
Endless possibilities
Once you’re able to make your away around a daw
Endless possibilities
big FAXX
thank to a homie in freshman or sophmore year who gave me a craxcked copy of fl10 and then fl12 i got cracked myself and thats when it was really ON
it is undescribable how much having people around you with the same interest and ability to help is, and just to have someone to bounce s*** off of that you genuinely like n vibe with
i wouldnt be anywhere with beat making and mixing if it wasnt for 3 individuals back in late middle school n early high - rooms would be closed, but also just general access and information such as daws and whatnot
shout out class of 2014 high school - such a wildwest era
big FAXX
thank to a homie in freshman or sophmore year who gave me a craxcked copy of fl10 and then fl12 i got cracked myself and thats when it was really ON
it is undescribable how much having people around you with the same interest and ability to help is, and just to have someone to bounce s*** off of that you genuinely like n vibe with
i wouldnt be anywhere with beat making and mixing if it wasnt for 3 individuals back in late middle school n early high - rooms would be closed, but also just general access and information such as daws and whatnot
shout out class of 2014 high school - such a wildwest era
Brooo thats when I started really f***ing with garageband!! around that same age
Its so good for kids especially those into hip hop bc it just makes everything so accessible man
Just look at Soulja boy
Cello and drums with a little bit of guitar, haven’t touched my cello in a couple years though
Protip for errbody itt cause yall mention it alot:
It’s never too late to get back on an instrument you was playing when you was younger.
That muscle memory mad clutch.
There was a 2-3 year period from like 2017-2020 where I hated the piano and stopped playing it tbh.
After the pandemi lovato, got back on it, like we never even left
Do a line and play the tuba rn
I'll play "no scrubs" on the mufuckin tuba don't play wimme now
data collection thread
What is op and/or the cia disguised as S gonna do with this type of data
piano, bass, synths (modular and s***), sequencers, ableton, engineer, sing
Clap, stomp, hey