  • eclass ⛓️
    Feb 23, 2021

  • Feb 23, 2021

    Aint no pizza get out

  • Feb 23, 2021

    I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
    He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
    I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
    The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
    When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

    this got big everywhere

    this is probably it

  • Feb 23, 2021
    4 replies

    Yet again, it was another late, sleepless night in Atlanta. The studio was packed, yet intimate all at the same time. Warm amber lights washed over exotic leather furniture, creating a dimly lit sonic oasis. A sweet aroma of weed smoke clouded the air, while vanilla scented candles were strategically placed around the room. The mood developed into a haze of relaxation. As engineers and producers methodically worked the mixing boards, Future and the rest of his entourage nodded along to a rough take of a track that would later be called "Diamonds Dancing." Many individuals in the studio danced along while producers ran the track back, but there stood Drake in a dark corner, dissecting every piece of "Diamonds Dancing" with surgical precision. The track stopped playing, and Drake stepped from the shadows. He didn't speak much, but when he did, people listened.

    "I'm going back in the booth, play that outro back."

    Puzzled, the engineer began playing the outro instrumental back, not questioning Drake's demands. The room fell quiet as people began to observe. As the outro began to play, Drake put on a pair of monitor headphones, rubbed his beard and began to take a drink of a dark, murky substance. Closing his eyes, Drake began to flow freely.

    "You doin' me dirty, you know. How we let it get like this I don't know. But that nigga can't save your soul, nah." Producers and entourage members in the studio began to look around the room to see if others were witnessing what was happening. Drake continued crooning into the microphone, while the mood became even darker in the studio.

    "Doing me dirty, you doing me dirty. Haven't even heard from you. How can you live with yourself? Haven't even heard from you. How can you live with yourself? Ungrateful, ungrateful." The Engineer looked over to Future with concern. The engineer whispered, "should we stop him?" Future then put up one finger, as to silence the engineer while shaking his head, not taking his eyes off of Drake.

    "Your momma be ashamed of you. I haven't even heard from you, not a single word from you, Ungrateful. I'm too good for you, too good for you. You should go back to him, perfect match for you, unstable." Candles in the studio began to flicker and die out, one by one, as if a spirit swept throughout the room.

    "Doing me dirty. You're making me nervous. I haven't even heard from you. You look drained, you look exhausted, girl them late nights ain't good for you. Really starting to show on you. Don't hit me up when it's good for you. Ungrateful." By now, everyone had stopped what they were doing, all attention was focused on the darkened silhouette in the recording booth. Finishing up his final thoughts, Drake hung up the headphones, took another sip of muddy water, and crept out of the recording booth.

    As he came back into the studio, all eyes followed his every movement. Drake retreated back to his shadowed corner, where he leaned against the wall with his fingers interlocked and pressed against his lips, as if in deep thought. The silence of the room created an uneasy tension. The uneasiness built more and more, as studio members waited for him to speak. Finally, he broke the silence.

    "Play it back."

  • Feb 23, 2021

    The why would oanye go on tour copypasta

  • Feb 23, 2021

    Ain’t no pizza get out

  • Feb 23, 2021

    FART 808s

  • Feb 23, 2021

    dolphin is carrying this thread tbh

  • -BRAVE

  • Feb 23, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    Yet again, it was another late, sleepless night in Atlanta. The studio was packed, yet intimate all at the same time. Warm amber lights washed over exotic leather furniture, creating a dimly lit sonic oasis. A sweet aroma of weed smoke clouded the air, while vanilla scented candles were strategically placed around the room. The mood developed into a haze of relaxation. As engineers and producers methodically worked the mixing boards, Future and the rest of his entourage nodded along to a rough take of a track that would later be called "Diamonds Dancing." Many individuals in the studio danced along while producers ran the track back, but there stood Drake in a dark corner, dissecting every piece of "Diamonds Dancing" with surgical precision. The track stopped playing, and Drake stepped from the shadows. He didn't speak much, but when he did, people listened.

    "I'm going back in the booth, play that outro back."

    Puzzled, the engineer began playing the outro instrumental back, not questioning Drake's demands. The room fell quiet as people began to observe. As the outro began to play, Drake put on a pair of monitor headphones, rubbed his beard and began to take a drink of a dark, murky substance. Closing his eyes, Drake began to flow freely.

    "You doin' me dirty, you know. How we let it get like this I don't know. But that nigga can't save your soul, nah." Producers and entourage members in the studio began to look around the room to see if others were witnessing what was happening. Drake continued crooning into the microphone, while the mood became even darker in the studio.

    "Doing me dirty, you doing me dirty. Haven't even heard from you. How can you live with yourself? Haven't even heard from you. How can you live with yourself? Ungrateful, ungrateful." The Engineer looked over to Future with concern. The engineer whispered, "should we stop him?" Future then put up one finger, as to silence the engineer while shaking his head, not taking his eyes off of Drake.

    "Your momma be ashamed of you. I haven't even heard from you, not a single word from you, Ungrateful. I'm too good for you, too good for you. You should go back to him, perfect match for you, unstable." Candles in the studio began to flicker and die out, one by one, as if a spirit swept throughout the room.

    "Doing me dirty. You're making me nervous. I haven't even heard from you. You look drained, you look exhausted, girl them late nights ain't good for you. Really starting to show on you. Don't hit me up when it's good for you. Ungrateful." By now, everyone had stopped what they were doing, all attention was focused on the darkened silhouette in the recording booth. Finishing up his final thoughts, Drake hung up the headphones, took another sip of muddy water, and crept out of the recording booth.

    As he came back into the studio, all eyes followed his every movement. Drake retreated back to his shadowed corner, where he leaned against the wall with his fingers interlocked and pressed against his lips, as if in deep thought. The silence of the room created an uneasy tension. The uneasiness built more and more, as studio members waited for him to speak. Finally, he broke the silence.

    "Play it back."

    i love this one

  • Feb 23, 2021

    doot doot

  • AR15 💯
    Feb 23, 2021

    crine u mad as s***

  • Feb 23, 2021


  • That "I saw ___ in the store the other day" copypasta lmao

  • Feb 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Hold up I’ve never seen the first pic

    That’s where comes from?? Who is that

  • Feb 23, 2021
    NBA GameBoy

    Hold up I’ve never seen the first pic

    That’s where comes from?? Who is that

    That’s @FlyMx

  • Feb 23, 2021

    go away maco roach

    Every time I see “go away OG Maco Roach” I laugh out loud

    Tryna stop laughing in this dentist chair rn

  • Feb 23, 2021

    Avi posting

  • Feb 23, 2021


  • Feb 23, 2021

    look at this length ktt

  • eversince

    your f***ed

  • Feb 23, 2021

    Thread feeling like KTT: The Greatest Hits Vol.1

  • Feb 23, 2021

    Anyone remember the GOOD Music vs. YMCMB War of 2012 in the music sxn?

  • Feb 23, 2021

    "I was just heading out of the gym tonight and I saw a girl in a car pull in. She was blaring loud ass music and as I was walking past I noticed it was PND's "Her Way". Bruh I live in CT, and we're like one of the last states to hear/listen to those underground artists... Alot of people here like Drake and know alot of his music, but they don't know his OVO Sound, and this the first time I seen someone rocking with PND. Bruh f*** what y'all saying, this proof just to me that PND will blow up (kind of like Kendrick, Chance, and others did) when he drop his next tape. #Belieeedat"
