This was an elaborate scam created by the higher ups at OVO as payback for all the leaks, they knew ktt would find the website eventually
Does anyone know what "Thought Boys" refers to? its the custom theme name on the site, something you would have to go out of your way to change
This was an elaborate scam created by the higher ups at OVO as payback for all the leaks, they knew ktt would find the website eventually
Drake getting payback since not around got leaked
The Red Hot Revival vinyl template
The Red Hot Revival vinyl template
these mfs went all the way in
The Red Hot Revival vinyl template
The Red Hot Revival vinyl template
esco and Boomin we got it on smash
The Red Hot Revival vinyl template
They used a template for sure but it wasnt this one
The shadows are different
The Red Hot Revival vinyl template
Could be drake using a s***ty marketing team that's just using available templates to get everything ready
Does anyone else actually see Drake is following the Instagram? It's a private account so how are people seeing this? It doesn't tell me Drake follows on mobile or desktop
Does anyone else actually see Drake is following the Instagram? It's a private account so how are people seeing this? It doesn't tell me Drake follows on mobile or desktop
Followed by Champagnepapi
Check OP
Does anyone else actually see Drake is following the Instagram? It's a private account so how are people seeing this? It doesn't tell me Drake follows on mobile or desktop
Yeah it shows it
Yeah it shows it
Damn okay. Doesn't show for me but that's the closest thing I see to this being real. Could just be the scammer knew about this account and named the site after this tho
Could be drake using a s***ty marketing team that's just using available templates to get everything ready
If it was a real site in development it could just be a lot of placeholders... like for example these 'hackers' had really great visual design skills, but chose that weird s***ty non-square album cover. And they didn't make the album purchase a pre-order for $14 or something, rn it's $0 and sold out. A lot of placeholders all around the site
Maybe it was yet unfinished but it was actually created for scamming. But when why let it into the public. So confusing
Does anyone here have story notifications on ovoroxx? Was that ever actually on his story?
Damn okay. Doesn't show for me but that's the closest thing I see to this being real. Could just be the scammer knew about this account and named the site after this tho
Yeah the IG has been known from time. But no one knows what it is. Only followed by Drake and it only follows him. Whoever these scammers are just took that and ran with it
Also weird how he posts that and we find it next day seems to setup
Yeah... how did whoever 'saw' that story immediately piece it together with quilted diamonds? It's not like you can read the URL in the story
Yeah the IG has been known from time. But no one knows what it is. Only followed by Drake and it only follows him. Whoever these scammers are just took that and ran with it
They also could’ve hacked somebody’s account who drake followed and just changed the name now that I think about it