  • Vlonely 🦍
    Feb 1, 2023
    pussy bacon

    Eminem's recent albums are very reminiscent of Gorillaz so you should check them out

    Are you literally deaf

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    Eminem's recent albums are very reminiscent of Gorillaz so you should check them out

    Gorillaz could never make a Godzilla or Gnat

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply

    I promise OP never listened to any of the first three albums

  • Feb 1, 2023

    i always liked demon days album

    First listened when I was a kid tho so could be some nostalgia

    Thats fair

    i feel like Gorillaz definitely make music for a younger audience

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Why Yesterday

    How am I mad? There's better music out there!!!!!!

    In what way am i mad? I gave you music recs, you seem to be the one pressed here

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    In what way am i mad? I gave you music recs, you seem to be the one pressed here

    okay I'm positive you're trolling now

    have a good one p**** bacon

  • Feb 1, 2023
    3 replies

    I promise OP never listened to any of the first three albums

    I just did and much of the material is genuinely reminiscent of Eminem's latest releases, i urge you to compare them. You'll be shocked

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Feb 1, 2023
    2 replies
    pussy bacon

    I just did and much of the material is genuinely reminiscent of Eminem's latest releases, i urge you to compare them. You'll be shocked

    In what sense are they reminiscent of Eminem

  • Feb 1, 2023
    Why Yesterday

    okay I'm positive you're trolling now

    have a good one p**** bacon

    Am i missing something? I'm just trying to gain an understanding as to what the appeal of their music is. Did i hit a nerve or something?

  • Feb 1, 2023
    pussy bacon

    In what sense?

    I enjoy listening to it

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    How am I mad? I'm trying to understand why people would listen to Gorillaz when there is much better music out there

    If you're actually asking this question, a lot of their appeal is owed to Jamie Hewlett and their sort of counter-culture vibe they always brought to their music. Gorillaz was supposed to be an answer to what Damon and Co. saw as artificiality in culture and music: the band being cartoons was the whole point. They were also the first band at their level that I remember really doing their homework when mingling with hip hop in that early 2000s era. A lot of people back then saw hip hop, dub, etc. as "not music" for racisms sake. As for the lyrics, idk what to tell you, I like Del's verse.

  • Feb 1, 2023
    3 replies

    In what sense are they reminiscent of Eminem

    You can not tell me this doesn't sound like a Gorillaz song

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Feb 1, 2023
    2 replies
    pussy bacon

    You can not tell me this doesn't sound like a Gorillaz song

    You just proved you didn't listen to those albums congrats

  • Feb 1, 2023

    You just proved you didn't listen to those albums congrats

  • Feb 1, 2023
    3 replies

    You just proved you didn't listen to those albums congrats

    You're trolling

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply

    They make good music. Type a dumbass question is this?

  • Feb 1, 2023

  • Feb 1, 2023

    If you're actually asking this question, a lot of their appeal is owed to Jamie Hewlett and their sort of counter-culture vibe they always brought to their music. Gorillaz was supposed to be an answer to what Damon and Co. saw as artificiality in culture and music: the band being cartoons was the whole point. They were also the first band at their level that I remember really doing their homework when mingling with hip hop in that early 2000s era. A lot of people back then saw hip hop, dub, etc. as "not music" for racisms sake. As for the lyrics, idk what to tell you, I like Del's verse.

    Thanks man

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    You're trolling

    Yea I'm trolling right. I literally have a Gorillaz avy

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    You're trolling

    It literally only sounds like Cracker Island. Every Planet We Reach Is Dead sounds nothing like this.

    Edit: and Cracker Island is pushing it tbh.

  • Feb 1, 2023

    Yea I'm trolling right. I literally have a Gorillaz avy

    Fairly certain thats the Beastie Boys

  • Feb 1, 2023

    His kinda like Kanye for me and with how he is really great at composing songs with artists from completely different genres but making them blend seamlessly

    Plus nostalgia as they one first bands I ever heard has special place in my heart

  • Feb 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Never in my life have I seen someone compare Gorillaz music to Eminem

  • Feb 1, 2023

    Nostalgia from depressed losers that f***ed up in school and now work at walmart like a lil girl hahaha

  • Feb 1, 2023

    It literally only sounds like Cracker Island. Every Planet We Reach Is Dead sounds nothing like this.

    Edit: and Cracker Island is pushing it tbh.

    I never said every song of theirs sounded like that