Seeing all The Leftovers love itt
Real Fellas.
On my rewatch now. Season 1 was a lil hit or miss/dated outside of three episodes but I’m excited for season 2.
On my rewatch now. Season 1 was a lil hit or miss/dated outside of three episodes but I’m excited for season 2.
Season 1 was mid let's keep it a buck it's in season 2 and 3 this show reaches unseen heights.
hot take but pine barrens episode kinda overrated, granted haven’t finished show yet and i think it resurfaces later on. but show is so good, i haven’t necessarily found it to be leaps and bounds better than any of the other episodes.
not overrated at all idk why some people trying force this contrarian take
Season 1 was mid let's keep it a buck it's in season 2 and 3 this show reaches unseen heights.
i personally dont think season 1 is "mid" but season 2 and 3 are just so perfectly crafted it leaves a little to be desired after going back and watching, knowing what would be coming.
Two Boats & a Helicopter (s1e3) & The Garveys at Their Best (s1e9) are two of the best episodes of the series (imo). The departure scene in episode 9
i have to rewatch soon
Season 1 was mid let's keep it a buck it's in season 2 and 3 this show reaches unseen heights.
On rewatch Imma say hard agree but the Nora episode, the one about her brother and The Garvey’s at their best are fantastic so it makes up for it
i personally dont think season 1 is "mid" but season 2 and 3 are just so perfectly crafted it leaves a little to be desired after going back and watching, knowing what would be coming.
Two Boats & a Helicopter (s1e3) & The Garveys at Their Best (s1e9) are two of the best episodes of the series (imo). The departure scene in episode 9
i have to rewatch soon
I didn't know what was coming It has some highlights as you mention (Nora's episode the best though for me) but it just didn't grip me like that.
i personally dont think season 1 is "mid" but season 2 and 3 are just so perfectly crafted it leaves a little to be desired after going back and watching, knowing what would be coming.
Two Boats & a Helicopter (s1e3) & The Garveys at Their Best (s1e9) are two of the best episodes of the series (imo). The departure scene in episode 9
i have to rewatch soon
It’s not mid it’s just kinda dated and doesn’t know what it wants to be yet imo. They find their pocket in season 2 so I’m excited to continue my rewatch
not overrated at all idk why some people trying force this contrarian take
idk nothing makes it fundamentally “better” to me then other episodes like when Mikey Palmice gets wacked or Big P**** getting wacked
Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Restless"
Angel "A Hole in the World"
Clerks: The Cartoon "A Dissertation on the American Justice System by People Who Have Never Been Inside a Courtroom, Let Alone Know Anything About the Law, but Have Seen Way Too Many Legal Thrillers"
Season 1 was mid let's keep it a buck it's in season 2 and 3 this show reaches unseen heights.
s1 has it's moments, but you need the set up of s1 for s2 to hit that much harder
Speaking of The Leftovers, the Matt Jamison focused episodes of each season were always some of my favourites
Hell yeah. Nathan For You is just too potent
Wait until you get to Finding Francis. God tier stuff.
I can’t wait
This episode is a masterpiece
! was a show like no other.. I miss a show like it so much
I few years ago I wouldve said Ozymandias but I might have to go with Connors Wedding tbh