there is no singular best fruit, they all bring their own talents to the stage, shine in their own way, and each should be applauded for that
Its peaches
Juicy and delicious, easily transported, easy to eat and cut, doesn't spoil quickly
Raspberry or mango
Its peaches
Juicy and delicious, easily transported, easy to eat and cut, doesn't spoil quickly
I hate the texture of peaches so slimy
I hate the texture of peaches so slimy
That crazy cause you just said mango which I feel like have a similar texture lol
fruits that ppl rarely mention that I hold in high regard are lemons and limes for both cooking and making cocktails
without those strong citrus fruits so many dishes and drinks would flop
avocado, eggplant, tomato
watermelon, mango
i think someone made this thread recently
top 3 is mango, blueberry and pineapple
imma go with mango
i also like pears but they make me sick
apple, raspberries, cherries, mango, nectarine, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, banana, plums, grapes, pear, orange
Oranges but they’re everywhere so everyone wants to be a hipster and say some different s***
A nice, ripe apple. All the bases covered: sour, sweet, savory. Throw a lil peanut butter on there and it’s desert
there is no singular best fruit, they all bring their own talents to the stage, shine in their own way, and each should be applauded for that
coward; but fair point