Drums are amazing and fun to play i guess but in terms of listening, nothing beats the piano.
Piano easily lol there’s no other instrument that fits itself into every musical genre and crevice like the piano does
Love the sound of a bassoon. Oboe too they’re one in the same for me
The Guitar, versatile af and can create ANY vibe
It has incredible range and can make so many great textures with the huge number of pedals available. You can make a guitar sound like anything and it looks cool as hell too.
Side note does anyone know anything about talkboxes? I wanna learn to use it but idk where to start lol
e guitar
It has incredible range and can make so many great textures with the huge number of pedals available. You can make a guitar sound like anything and it looks cool as hell too.
Pedals are so dope for any instrument lol this is a video of a dude from snarky puppy playing his trumpet through some pedals. Sounds amazing
Pianos are S tier but it sucks how immobile they are unless you go with something with fewer keys and then you lose octaves
Either way, an acceptable answer for best instrument