  • New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking. This sound easier than it is as I’ve been smoking a***og since I was 12 years old so I am terribly addicted to smoking. Feel like I might be the only one using zyns for their proper usage (quitting smoking). One week in and I think it’s going pretty good. I’ll normally put in 4-5 pouches (10mg) a day mixed with 2 cigarettes (waking up and before bed - the ritual). Feels like I’m reaching a point where smoking is beginning to gross me out a touch. I do have the fear I will just get addicted to pouches but honestly my main issue right now is my lungs so anything is better than actually smoking

  • Jan 10
    2 replies

    i use them but they’re awful for oral health

  • very attractive accessories

  • seriously though never used them but f*** what they think if it helps you stop

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    I use them sometimes and also vape. They f*** up your gums after heavy use and if you chase tolerance you're going to end up consuming more nicotine than ever

    I like the Mr vapor brand most

    It will be better if you get a legit vape rig first then Segway. The ease of nicotine consumption is important when quitting smoking and is how I quit cigs. I quit vaping for zyn for awhile but couldn't quit nic overall now I mainly vape but have pouches too. Having both handy will easily get you off cigs

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 11
    3 replies

    @op Have u heard of or know anyone that tried that medication that blocks nicotine receptors or some s***? I’ve heard it’s a game changer for smoking

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 11

    Buproprin I think

  • RICH

    @op Have u heard of or know anyone that tried that medication that blocks nicotine receptors or some s***? I’ve heard it’s a game changer for smoking

    Wellbutrin but it's under a different brand name

    It's not as effective as you'd think but it helps a lot with cravings

  • Good when you need that short 100% focus

  • Jan 11
    2 replies

    For quitin ? nah nothing gonna work, cold turkey and mental determination is the only way.

  • There is something about them. Not much though.

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    Idk if it will help you quit , I agree with the above posters that cold turkey is the best

    What will happen is when it's really cold out you'll zynn and then smoke outside when it's better

  • FredVanYeet

    Idk if it will help you quit , I agree with the above posters that cold turkey is the best

    What will happen is when it's really cold out you'll zynn and then smoke outside when it's better

    Cold turkey f***ing sucks especially if you are a heavy cigarette smoker

    If you can brace yourself and force yourself to do it, more power to you (seriously) but I feel like most saying that's the only way have never been addicted to nicotine

    It was literally as bad as benzos+opioid withdrawal for me (went cold turkey on fent cut X**** bars back in 2016, was f***ing HELL, and I'd say trying it with nic was similar af)

    Only difference was the physical "load" from nic was much lower but the extreme anxiety and general sick feeling was there

  • in order to kill an addiction you simply must starve it

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jan 11
    2 replies
    black hedi slimane

    i use them but they’re awful for oral health

    No they're not lol

  • RICH

    @op Have u heard of or know anyone that tried that medication that blocks nicotine receptors or some s***? I’ve heard it’s a game changer for smoking

    I’ve heard of one called champax but my coworker said it gave him intense nightmares every night

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    For quitin ? nah nothing gonna work, cold turkey and mental determination is the only way.

    How long did you smoke for

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    I use them sometimes and also vape. They f*** up your gums after heavy use and if you chase tolerance you're going to end up consuming more nicotine than ever

    I like the Mr vapor brand most

    It will be better if you get a legit vape rig first then Segway. The ease of nicotine consumption is important when quitting smoking and is how I quit cigs. I quit vaping for zyn for awhile but couldn't quit nic overall now I mainly vape but have pouches too. Having both handy will easily get you off cigs

    My main issue is I’m worried about my lungs as I’ve said because after smoking for 16 years it’s very hard for me to breathe and this is only the beginning of my young life. I’m okay with being addicted to nicotine, my issue is I want to quit SMOKING and my experience is vapes are just as hard on your lungs as traditional smoke

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    No they're not lol

    why u in my replies being sassy

    do i really have to explain to u how they affect ur gums

  • RICH

    @op Have u heard of or know anyone that tried that medication that blocks nicotine receptors or some s***? I’ve heard it’s a game changer for smoking


  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    No they're not lol

    not really sure how bad white nicotine pouches actually are for the teeth. they're doing a study here on people between 18-30, comparing snus, white nic pouches and a control group who don't do either

    reg brown tobacco snus is really bad though

  • They’ll help you quit smoking, but you’re probably consuming more nicotine now than you were when you were just smoking

  • Jan 11
    M To the Ozu

    My main issue is I’m worried about my lungs as I’ve said because after smoking for 16 years it’s very hard for me to breathe and this is only the beginning of my young life. I’m okay with being addicted to nicotine, my issue is I want to quit SMOKING and my experience is vapes are just as hard on your lungs as traditional smoke

    Vapes aren't from an objective stand point. We have up to 3 decades of research, all the accepted research shows they're 90%+ safer. I'm strictly looking at only stuff found on databases, not news articles. There's a huge amount of fear mongering and bad faith information out there from groups like truth (which is actually just owned by big tobacco)

    But that isn't 100%. With a little extra discipline you can switch to pouches though, I'm not saying that's impossible, it's probably easier than the patch or gum for instance. I'm just pointing out the immediacy of nicotine is a huge factor when switching to different forms of it though. Going to pouches will be the best for your lungs absolutely, but they lack an immediate hit of nicotine which is one of the things you're addicted to with vapes or cigarettes

  • Jan 11

    Nicotine pouches aren't gonna be good for your gums but literally anything is better than tobacco/cigarettes

  • Vertical1600

    For quitin ? nah nothing gonna work, cold turkey and mental determination is the only way.