Killing me softly by the fugees
Some Selena track.
imagine having this pandemic senior year and may not have prom or graduation or sports
I never noticed how much I was looking forward to that type of stuff until recently.
Yea your generation sucks.
The First Song I Remember Hearing is Kanye West - Heartless When I was Born In 2008
The First Song I Remember Hearing is Kanye West - Heartless When I was Born In 2008
Nigga what?!
The First Song I Remember Hearing is Kanye West - Heartless When I was Born In 2008
King s***
Prolly this idk. My zoes know (and French ppl n s***)
my parents was listening to Lil baby - Harder than ever when i was born so i guess that
The First Song I Remember Hearing is Kanye West - Heartless When I was Born In 2008
2008?! I thought I was the young one
This must be a joke
The First Song I Remember Hearing is Kanye West - Heartless When I was Born In 2008
You joking?
I will never accept the concept of time and people being younger than me
Nigga I will breastfeed you !
Jack Johnson Curious George soundtrack
we don't suck. our circumstances do
Y'all will never experience
pure reality.