Sgt Peppers is one of em
Nowhere near the best album but if it wasn’t for this album music would be totally different
beatles are one of the most influential bands of all time, but they don’t become more influential than their own influences until rubber soul
it’s a good record but that’s a pretty big statement for a band so early in their professional careers
This might be the most accurate one
nah it’s still MJ or beatles but this is the third option for sure
beach boys are massively influential but to say more than the beatles is just being contrarian lol
beach boys are massively influential but to say more than the beatles is just being contrarian lol
there’s an argument to be had my man
these albums had a huge impact on soul/RnB/pop(some what)/ and especially Hiphop
not really of all time but f*** it
This not even touching anytthing tpain, 50, or wayne put out that decade in terms of influence lmfao
songs in the key of life should be in the convo too
Gotta wonder where all these old records will stand in 30 years when all the people of that generation and their children are gone or very old. Makes me wonder how many amazing early 20th century albums have been mostly forgotten about
Library Trap album coming soon
Gotta wonder where all these old records will stand in 30 years when all the people of that generation and their children are gone or very old. Makes me wonder how many amazing early 20th century albums have been mostly forgotten about
it’s gonna be weird seeing some albums from our era being labeled as classics and influential