Whatever the age is before my body fails me. Once the pain is constant and prodding and poking by doctors is a daily necessity, I’m goood.
lmao thats not true at all tho
Nigha thinks mid 40s is “waiting for death” lmfao
Nigha thinks mid 40s is “waiting for death” lmfao
s*** wild af go outside or read a book holy s***
I'd never kill myself or anything but wouldn't mind dying relatively young, like age 45-50. There's nothing going on in my senior years that I would have to be alive to see
I'd never kill myself or anything but wouldn't mind dying relatively young, like age 45-50. There's nothing going on in my senior years that I would have to be alive to see
Grandkids? How the world evolves?
Grandkids? How the world evolves?
umm bye
as soon i get bedridden for life i am killing myself
i was wonder what happens after death
dawg I wish I could live far into the future and see how far technology gets low key smfh
Honestly I think I'd be fine dying in my mid 40's. Anything past that and you've hit the prime to where you're basically just waiting to die, which is incredibly depressing. Plus your mind starts to go which I wouldn't be able to handle.
Idk I figure once I run out reasons to be around I’ll just end it if I’m not dead by then
Seeing really old ppl never used to phase me.. wouldn’t even really think about them/anything when I saw them but nowadays when I see really old ppl struggling to get out cars or walking hella slow I get low key shook cause I know my parents are gonna be like that sooner than later which is scary to think about cause I can barely afford to take care of myself how the hell am I gonna take care of my parents when they get old
The way time feels like it goes by faster every year is really a mind f***
Do not wanna be pushing 80 s***ting myself and forgetting my name
I’d be fine with 50 max
I dont care aslong as I dont go crazy, clinically braindead or get dementia.