anywhere from 10-16 main tracks and a runtime of 35-70 minutes
8 track and 18 track albums just don’t cut it for my attention span
No such thing as one
Biggest thing is for the album to feel cohesive and that there aren’t just songs being stacked on for the sake of it
10 tracks
no set number of features because it all depends on how they’re used
that's what's up
No such thing as one
Biggest thing is for the album to feel cohesive and that there aren’t just songs being stacked on for the sake of it
at the end of the day, if you can make 20-25 songs work (WLR) then go right ahead. It’s about the music itself at the end of the day and tracklist is only a correlating factor, not a causing one
at the end of the day, if you can make 20-25 songs work (WLR) then go right ahead. It’s about the music itself at the end of the day and tracklist is only a correlating factor, not a causing one
U didn't actually sit through that past the 3rd day
U didn't actually sit through that past the 3rd day
i have listened to songs off it 1000 times according to and that’s only my mobile apple music listens, not spotify or PC
U didn't actually sit through that past the 3rd day
Man even if u didn’t, it’s so obvious WLR was way more playability than bloated ass s*** like Scorpion or that recent YSL tape
i have listened to songs off it 1000 times according to and that’s only my mobile apple music listens, not spotify or PC
And then u woke up