My live is dope, wouldnt trade it with anyone, i have goals in my life that im on the way to achieve
And i have fun everyday
Kanye album ranking: (based on what i enjoy the most)
1. Yeezus
3. 808s
5. JIK
7. CD
8. LR
9. ye
this is coming from some s***lord who constantly posts about how manly and alpha he is at age 56 while also spewing sewage onto his keyboard with garbage opinions
Everyone who doesnt realize Yeezus is the GOAT is def a broke loser living with their parents. And as much as it sounds like I’m making fun of OP I’m not even being sarcastic, I agree.
I’m a door-to-door corndog salesman for a large corporation you would recognize and a CEO you all love and respect, bangin hot wife with perfect body and personality, make $960k a year, $7.9 million luxury apartment on Central Park S., drive a Pagani Huayra, and have mineral rights to 27,000 acres that I receive monthly royalty payments on from multiple wells that produce natural gas. I’m also in many very lucrative social circles for investment.
I am a software engineer. Recently lost my first job. Started my own company. Doing music, gonna do stand-up in 2 weeks. Going on a date with this girl who seems cool.
Honestly I'm not loving life, I feel like I need to get out of my country for good.
I'm not even close to where I want to be, but I will get there.
top 3:
Grad or CD , today I'll say Grad
I’m a successful comedian living in New York. I spend most of my time with my three friends at a local coffee shop just discussing the minutiae of our everyday lives.
If I had to rank a top 3 today:
2. LR
3. Yeezus
But I could easily pick three different ones tomorrow. GOAT discography.
The good:
Do music for a living, have two pitbulls, good amount of friends, enjoy hobbies like gaming, painting & going to art galleries. Have no girlfriend, but able to pull. Great family life. In the past I used to live in the ghetto until momma was able to move us out to the Suburbs thank God. 6'2" with no depression or major insecurities & have always been firm in my own feelings/beliefs/opinions.
The bad:
Health problems that have prevented me from working a "normal" job that kinda forced/pushed me into the music scene, & it prevents from doing some normal things such as me driving is illegal at the moment & it can make relationships or moments complicated. Always had to fight in life, physically & emotionally. Day to day is kinda random with nothing fully "set in stone" or structured.
1. LR
2. Yeezus
TLOP & JIK are both trash, you can have it both ways. Bottom 3 along with Ye. Sorry.
Edit: also in my early 20s
The good:
Do music for a living, have two pitbulls, good amount of friends, enjoy hobbies like gaming, painting & going to art galleries. Have no girlfriend, but able to pull. Great family life. In the past I used to live in the ghetto until momma was able to move us out to the Suburbs thank God. 6'2" with no depression or major insecurities & have always been firm in my own feelings/beliefs/opinions.
The bad:
Health problems that have prevented me from working a "normal" job that kinda forced/pushed me into the music scene, & it prevents from doing some normal things such as me driving is illegal at the moment & it can make relationships or moments complicated. Always had to fight in life, physically & emotionally. Day to day is kinda random with nothing fully "set in stone" or structured.
1. LR
2. Yeezus
TLOP & JIK are both trash, you can have it both ways. Bottom 3 along with Ye. Sorry.
Edit: also in my early 20s
Tlop trash ??????? im offened
Tlop trash ??????? im offened
OP also called anyone that likes TLOP basically r€tards lol.
U think LR is bottom 3. Obviously we probably value or like different things in sounds.
TLOP is messy while being the most "trendy" & imo lowbrow Kanye has ever been. Only a handful of songs I care abouy on it, & I only ever really go back to Fade, Feedback & Ultralight Beam.
I have crippling depression and have been struggling to find a secure job for a while, just do odd jobs and start volunteering in January. My last relationship was a few years ago. My life basically consists of making and listening to music, reading books, watching films and getting drunk with friends. Saying that I plan to do a masters degree in September and from there either go into teaching or with a bit of luck and dedication do a PHD
Weird ways to flex but IN I guess.
I make worlds.
2. 808’s
3. Yeezus
JIK is nice.
i don't know why there has to be a correlation between your ranking & lifestyle/class
Lol I’ve definitely never made a post about being manly or “alpha”.
Now quit dodging the topic and tell us how lame your life is so we can correlate it to how much you don’t like Yeezus.
The thread was literally made for you. Feel special, boy. And bow down while I still let you.
so this thread was made so you could say that ppl who dont like yeezus must have s***ty lives.......... this is a stupid correlation
I am a movie star and I'm 6'3 and I have a banging hot wife and I make 30 million a year and I have worked with all the great directors and I think Yeezus is pretty good.
I think it has less to do with peoples life situation abd social class than their age and experience. There are clearly a lot of young kids here these days mixed with parents basement dwellers and it shows with not just opinions but how they approach conversation. Hell, its a forum with a “life advice “ sxn geared specifically for teens to vent their frustrations. Ktt, for better or worse is a culture. And trying to make a thread like this is uncalled for because dude, you’re old enough to know better. This is the kind of s*** better saved for a private conversation.
I smoke crack on the regular and f*** foreign b****es (mostly brown and yellow). I live with my parents but often just stay at friends' or at hoes' places. I am officially unemployed and get checks by the government. I live-action role play as a medical student despite barely having finishes high school just so I can hang out with college b****es. I earn money by jugging people online, flipping s*** and numerous other schemes. My top 3:
#1 JIK
#2 I Love It
#3 Cruel Summer
I smoke crack on the regular and f*** foreign b****es (mostly brown and yellow). I live with my parents but often just stay at friends' or at hoes' places. I am officially unemployed and get checks by the government. I live-action role play as a medical student despite barely having finishes high school just so I can hang out with college b****es. I earn money by jugging people online, flipping s*** and numerous other schemes. My top 3:
#1 JIK
#2 I Love It
#3 Cruel Summer
JIK and Cruel Summer but no XTCY or Ye vs The People? Fake fan.
op you are very strange especially knowing that there are a bunch of real young guys on here