Was there on before 16 Candles
This may be the first American one (it’s based off of an Israeli movie from the 70’s)
Sadder, more realistic ending than your Pretty in Pinks and American Pies. Same year as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, though, so take your pic, I guess (although that one’s more about high school in general and not just sex).
Lowkey, Jaws by Steven Spielberg is the reason we have the concept of the blockbuster / tentpole movie just off the amount of money the first one made
For blockbusters. Yeah, I know "Jaws" but Lucas changed history with this one
crying I said Jaws without reading this post lmaooooo
The Matrix. end of
This is why it’s hard to pick just one. Movies keep coming out that change how things are done from then on out. Like, sure, Citizen Kane, but The Matrix changed action movies forever and influenced American pop culture and society as much if not more than any Welles picture (for good and for ill but still).
This is why it’s hard to pick just one. Movies keep coming out that change how things are done from then on out. Like, sure, Citizen Kane, but The Matrix changed action movies forever and influenced American pop culture and society as much if not more than any Welles picture (for good and for ill but still).
Even now the term to disconnect with society . Is labelled as plugging out of the matrix . People don't understand how everyday the term is
For blockbusters. Yeah, I know "Jaws" but Lucas changed history with this one
this the only right answer tbh
Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland is the basis for a lot of films. Star Wars ofcourse
Anything with classic Joseph Campbell hero's journey themes
Even now the term to disconnect with society . Is labelled as plugging out of the matrix . People don't understand how everyday the term is
The red pill and blue pill
maybe not the most influential but up there.. whoever made the first high school kids tryna go to a big/last party of the year and/or tryna get laid for the first time type movie
Dazed n Confused not the first but first I thought of
The Wizard of Oz
This definitely had a huge impact on audience perceptions of film as an entertaining escape from reality
Seven Samurai
Most Hitchcock films
The Matrix
In terms of filming techniques and structure.
Blair Witch Project: Led to a shooting style that was copied hundreds of times
Halloween: not necessarily the first slasher but it kick started the slasher genre and changed the horror genre permanently