Getting lower than you deserve on a test because of stupid careless mistakes
That sinking gut feeling when you know she's cheating on you
Feeling like a failure/inadequate
obviously not objectively the worst feelings just ones in my personal experiences
Coming to grips with the fact that we probably won't get a new Kendrick album for a while
A lot of good (bad) choices itt, so I'll say one that may not be the worst, but I personally find pretty bad: ineptitude. Wanting to do something, but knowing you don't possess the tact, so in your vain attempt in doing so you either make a fool of your self or come up short or both. It's the most open and embarrassing sense of vulnerability that I can think of. Incompetence then leads to lack of confidence, which can lead to some sort of personal stagnation/fear. All because you don't want your ignorance to cost you again.
when the one you are obsessively in love with doesnt want you and rather wants someone else
but bad on you if you even choose to fall in love with somebody u not 100% sure of that theyll love u lol u already lost at that point
Been down that road, got my whole thinking f***ed up.
Been down that road, got my whole thinking f***ed up.
Yea its bad
But the bounce back that will follow is immaculate. Slow and hard but you gon be a warrior once you fully over it.
Yea its bad
But the bounce back that will follow is immaculate. Slow and hard but you gon be a warrior once you fully over it.
I was hurt like 2 months ago, so I can't fully trust the girl I'm talking too now.
My brother told me to let it go and enjoy every moment to it's fullest because nothing lasts forever and everything must come to and end...
Seeing some hoe ass responses in here y’all soft knowing you got some type of condition is the worst feeling you think life is over for a min
after doing the exam and hearing someone say the correct answer and you put the wrong one.................