i broke like 3 chairs in her office out of anger...
she brought in this jewish mathematician and i exploded and said he didn't have any f***ing problems
then i rolled on the floor screaming i was going to go to hell and she made fun of my religion.
in my defense she was in a cult
she hated my religion and got sick of arguing with me
so she ghosted me
i kept trying to ask her out too even though she was 74
every time i said something in therapy
she would interrupt me and say
"why are u telling me this?"
she conceded i was brilliant but she was pissed i was hanging around roman catholic priests for solace and gave me the L
if your first date is jimmy johns you deserve to get ghosted i’m sorry
i broke like 3 chairs in her office out of anger...
she brought in this jewish mathematician and i exploded and said he didn't have any f***ing problems
then i rolled on the floor screaming i was going to go to hell and she made fun of my religion.
in my defense she was in a cult
she hated my religion and got sick of arguing with me
so she ghosted me
i kept trying to ask her out too even though she was 74
bull f***ing s*** bro lol
I roomed with a very attractive girl and had to put up with a lot of her dumbass friends. They were pretty much all cheating on their man. Talked about it casually.
Trust no woman
and yet didn't get some Coochie out of it
Do you understand just how f***ed up this sounds
And he brought up how she f***ed their other friend, as if this somehow entitles his friend to have s***with her too
this b**** got me being her superman and she aint gonna let me smash and that is some f*** s*** tbh but that's ok because im trying to be like st joseph
Girls often using guys for free lunch or dinner, then ghosting them after the occasion.
Like my friend went on a Tinder “date” with this beautiful girl to Jimmy John’s, the guy was nice enough to pay for their entire meal. After lunch, the girl said she quickly had to head home to grab her wallet (who the f*** drives without a wallet like gosh imagine being this f***ing stupid)
Apparently soon after he got blocked on social media’s and immediately unmatched on Tinder
This stupid girl was lying and really felt bad for my friend, what the f*** this pisses me off. Sadly it’s sooo common and I should be thankful this stuff never happened to me
"My friend"
how superficial dating apps yet people have no issue with how toxic it can be.
i get it looks do matter to a large degree, but it doesn't sit well in my soul using it plus you have conventionally attractive people exploiting others for luxuries like the example in the op.
What's f***ed up about that? I guess he did some simp thing if thats what you mean
that's toxic entitlement man just because someone takes someone on a date does not give them the expectations to get some action.
Ops friend matched with someone his friend smashed then got confused why she ghosted him.
She knew lol
i broke like 3 chairs in her office out of anger...
she brought in this jewish mathematician and i exploded and said he didn't have any f***ing problems
then i rolled on the floor screaming i was going to go to hell and she made fun of my religion.
in my defense she was in a cult
she hated my religion and got sick of arguing with me
so she ghosted me
i kept trying to ask her out too even though she was 74
"I went on a lunch date with this guy he seemed nice. I was going to pay for my meal but he insisted on paying for it. As soon as he paid for my meal he kept taking about when we were gonna go back to his place. He wouldn't take any hints and eventually I didn't feel safe so I had to take an excuse and run home. I hope he doesn't stalk me he seemed normal at first."
were you on the date or are you just pulling this theory out of your ass
im not tryna be that guy, but is it possible that in these situations, the guy acts super weird and stuff during a date and in result, the girl ends up ghosting him?
On god. People forget s*** like this can happen. A date is literally getting to know the person better, she did that and thought maybe he was weird, lame or just didn’t see a future with him. Just gotta charge it to the game and move on.
i broke like 3 chairs in her office out of anger...
she brought in this jewish mathematician and i exploded and said he didn't have any f***ing problems
then i rolled on the floor screaming i was going to go to hell and she made fun of my religion.
in my defense she was in a cult
she hated my religion and got sick of arguing with me
so she ghosted me
i kept trying to ask her out too even though she was 74
Breh fully had a psychotic break on ktt2. Crine he mad as s***