  • Like what is the ethos of the albumfr? before listening to it I thought Travis had a concept or something else in mind. But I’m confused u know? There’s nothing behind it

  • Jan 5, 2024
    4 replies

    What is Selected Ambient Works 85-92 about? What's it's ethos. I can only listen to music that has an explicit theme and message

  • Jan 5, 2024

  • Jan 5, 2024

    He said he was, practically, retreading the steps of his original sound and reflecting on that after ten years. Trying to put together what made Travis, Travis in the first place and passing it to the fans

    So it’s a love letter to his original influences. Tons of Kanye and Cudi sounds, updated works from a decade ago, a lot of influences showing up to help out (Ye, Cudi, Pharrell, Bon Iver, Beyoncé)

  • Jan 5, 2024

    Utopia it's like Zootopia

  • Jan 5, 2024
    1 reply

    “So imagine my version,” Scott says. He lights a second blunt and begins pacing the room while laying out his idealized future. He sees “a place where we could just all sit across from each other and one side stops looking at the other side and where we all realize we're equal. As just humans.” Scott's utopia has crazy, futuristic highways and “fire” engineering and design classes. “We got buildings, flying cars,” he continues. “Like everything's just moving. And as people, we don't want nothing from each other but just to see each other happy.”

    He pauses. “But with that comes dystopia.”

  • I think it evolved into him looking at his past works and going back to that as @americana said

    Travis has said that Stormi's favorite song was Mamacita and would want it played over and over, and that inspired him to go back to that

    That's why Yeezus influence is on this with Modern Jam and Circus Maximus, that's the first major project he worked on

  • There's a narrative that Travis just took alot of Kanye material for this, but every song that he did, he was there working on

    Whether it be Future Sounds or the old Yeezus material

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 5, 2024

    there isn't really any lore to it, I feel like all was made up on the run

  • If you think about it, that beat on Meltdown is literally DBR Travis

    LOOOVE is also from 2014 and finally got released, and then he featured Cudi on it who was one of his biggest inspirations

  • Jan 5, 2024
    3 replies

    Hyaena to me sounds like something Ye or Sean would do.

  • Jan 5, 2024

    Am I a man who defines the corporate ethos or does the corporate ethos define me

  • Jan 5, 2024
    3 replies
    Skinn Foley

    What is Selected Ambient Works 85-92 about? What's it's ethos. I can only listen to music that has an explicit theme and message

    Aphex Twin doesn’t have lyrics let alone call himself a rapper

    Lmao niggas want the cultural lineage and aesthetic of rap without having to follow its rules

  • Jan 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Travis just wants to show off his beats and says whatever trendy bullshit to fill up the song lmao

    Although his verse on that Carti song was surprisingly hard

  • Jan 5, 2024

    Aphex Twin doesn’t have lyrics let alone call himself a rapper

    Lmao niggas want the cultural lineage and aesthetic of rap without having to follow its rules

    But a lot of the songwriting on Utopia, while very much shallow and at points poorly written, is about a theme lol

    Also Supreme Clientele is a lyrical masterpiece that is mostly just meaningless absurdities made by one of the greatest and most respected rappers of all time

  • Jan 5, 2024

    Aphex Twin doesn’t have lyrics let alone call himself a rapper

    Lmao niggas want the cultural lineage and aesthetic of rap without having to follow its rules

    Lol rules

  • Jan 5, 2024
    4 replies

    Bro said RULES in ART

    B****! this isn’t the 1500’s!!!

  • Jan 5, 2024
    2 replies

    Bro said RULES in ART

    B****! this isn’t the 1500’s!!!

    rap has rules.

    well it used to.

    You had to have dope production, well written rhymes and stuck to the codes of the game.

  • Jan 5, 2024
    2 replies

    Bro said RULES in ART

    B****! this isn’t the 1500’s!!!

    Nobody is asking him to turn into Jay electronica but you can’t attach yourself to rap music and then act like lyrics don’t matter lol. The whole reason you wanna be a rapper is because you heard/seen someone say some slick s***

    F*** just letting niggas slide with filling anything in a blank lol

    Or you can but that’s why none of those type of artists are worth more than their aesthetics and label budgets lol. Niggas are nostalgic for the time period of birds sing McKnight or lil Uzi vs the world but they not saying nothing that stick with you for 20 years like “and the white man get paid off of all of that”

  • Jan 5, 2024
    3 replies
    He who Slaps Butt

    rap has rules.

    well it used to.

    You had to have dope production, well written rhymes and stuck to the codes of the game.

    Rules in art are a barrier of creativity

  • Jan 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Nobody is asking him to turn into Jay electronica but you can’t attach yourself to rap music and then act like lyrics don’t matter lol. The whole reason you wanna be a rapper is because you heard/seen someone say some slick s***

    F*** just letting niggas slide with filling anything in a blank lol

    Or you can but that’s why none of those type of artists are worth more than their aesthetics and label budgets lol. Niggas are nostalgic for the time period of birds sing McKnight or lil Uzi vs the world but they not saying nothing that stick with you for 20 years like “and the white man get paid off of all of that”

    you can’t attach yourself to rap music and then act like lyrics don’t matter lol.

    And yet, here we are. People do exactly that. No one is stopping them and you’re whining

  • Jan 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Rules in art are a barrier of creativity

    If this was truly the case we would have evolved to music just being literal random noise mashed together and lyrics having no rhyme or meaning at all

    In rap this logic is used as an excuse for not perfecting your skill lol

  • Jan 5, 2024
    2 replies

    Rules in art are a barrier of creativity

    Rules also would have stopped the genre from turning into nothingess.

  • Jan 5, 2024
    5 replies

    GKMC a masterpiece but Kendrick made music nerds even more unbearable, not every album has to have a concept bro

    What is Thriller about? What is Doggystyle about? What is The White Album about? What is Dirty Mind about ?

    Just enjoy the music bro

  • Jan 5, 2024
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    GKMC a masterpiece but Kendrick made music nerds even more unbearable, not every album has to have a concept bro

    What is Thriller about? What is Doggystyle about? What is The White Album about? What is Dirty Mind about ?

    Just enjoy the music bro

    gkmc is so overrated.
    What is GKMC even about anyway? and dont say streets and some ho named keisha or whatever lol
