What is that one thing that makes you stop talking to a guy/girl or lose interest no matter what?
this one girl i talked to made every decision based on her astrological sign. instant turn off
Masculine women
Astrology obsession, Unemployed in general, can't drive.
cannot stand the astrology thing
Being addicted to their phone
bruh i knew this girl who wouldn’t text me. she’d only talk to me through snap
“Why can’t I say the n word??? you know I’m not racist, right!!!!!”
Waiting for the day a girl tells me “So you can put your d*** in my mouth but I can’t say the n word”
I won’t have a defense
I might have to let her say it at that point
Any type of prejudice is an instant turn off
Had one girl complain to me that this dude she was talking to listened to “f@ggot music”
No reply just instant block
Waiting for the day a girl tells me “So you can put your d*** in my mouth but I can’t say the n word”
I won’t have a defense
I might have to let her say it at that point
coon detected
Waiting for the day a girl tells me “So you can put your d*** in my mouth but I can’t say the n word”
I won’t have a defense
I might have to let her say it at that point