Would say one piece but the anime is pretty s***
Prolly HxH, death note, akagi or ping pong idk though I'm prolly forgetting something rn
Made in Abyss
demon slayer and ylia are the only good ones ive watched :(
did I reach her
I hope I reached her
Man, picking favorite anime is kinda hard - I'll put afew down.
Kami nomi zo Shiru sekai (The World Only God Knows)
Kokoro Connect
Psycho Pass (fuck s2)
Oregairu (My TEEN Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
Naruto personally gets a soft spot for me because it was my first anime when I was a kid - but the ones above all hit different.
Mine is Death Note.
Rewatched that s*** like 8 times.
I usually don’t get that invested in Anime.
If i do like an anime i usually just watch it once and that’s it. Even if i do really like it.
What’s ya’ll’s?
rewatching death note now. Light the original hard on hoes nigga
rewatching death note now. Light the original hard on hoes nigga
Swear that man got the sauce, bruh not even trying and hoes all on bruh.
godlike with the b****es