I’ve always been under the impression the real distinction of acceptable/not is if what’s being said is indicative of actual maliciousness or hatred etc (even latently)
Otherwise who cares
I’ve always been under the impression the real distinction of acceptable/not is if what’s being said is indicative of actual maliciousness or hatred etc (even latently)
Otherwise who cares
noted. and what about relationship type stuff. say someone's in a relationship, but on the side is chatting about how beautiful some celebrity (i look at celebrity just meaning someone realistically unattainable) is. too far or? i guess what you said can apply to this too tho
Getting jokes off in the GC is more important than moral grandstanding as long as it's all in good fun
But like Krishna said, if it spills out into irl behaviour or is reflective of ppl's actual attitudes it's not great
noted. and what about relationship type stuff. say someone's in a relationship, but on the side is chatting about how beautiful some celebrity (i look at celebrity just meaning someone realistically unattainable) is. too far or? i guess what you said can apply to this too tho
little weird but not too far imo. now if the dude was saying how this celeb look like such a s*** and how he wanna degrade her sexually or sumn, that's too far then imo
never rly understood the whole concept of locker room talk. anytime i be in a locker room chatting its about the weather, how nice the sauna is, etc.
little weird but not too far imo. now if the dude was saying how this celeb look like such a s*** and how he wanna degrade her sexually or sumn, that's too far then imo
Lmao don’t go into G&G
Lmao don’t go into G&G
that cesspool shouldnt even exist
never rly understood the whole concept of locker room talk. anytime i be in a locker room chatting its about the weather, how nice the sauna is, etc.
lmaooooooooo yea maybe at like a local gym, but one time before a practice this one kid screamed that one of the other kids sisters was a f***ing cow, so that's kinda cemented the term in my mind
lmaooooooooo yea maybe at like a local gym, but one time before a practice this one kid screamed that one of the other kids sisters was a f***ing cow, so that's kinda cemented the term in my mind
kids are stupid
noted. and what about relationship type stuff. say someone's in a relationship, but on the side is chatting about how beautiful some celebrity (i look at celebrity just meaning someone realistically unattainable) is. too far or? i guess what you said can apply to this too tho
I dunno I don’t think there’s hard and fast rules. I’d just say to like differentiate out malicious or indignant behavior from just talking s***. Like you can usually tell when people have ulterior motives for saying stuff
its nuanced and depends heavily on your intention and ability to be funny
do ladies have locker room talk in GCs? is it less prevalent then men?
Women are just as nasty as men when talking to their friends