Them “I need you right now” scenes in movies and television
Certain songs every time. I Miss You by Harold Melvin & Teddy Pendergass gets me every single time. So It Goes by Mac Miller does often. Race My Mind by Drake used to. Sweet/Dance by Tyler also used to but now I love it
Granny outro from Look What You've Done by Drake
All kinds of s***. It doesn't take much. I thought I would grow out of it but I never did.
almost teared up watching samurai jack yesterday
Was it the four seasons episode?
My mom telling me that she misses me, is shedding tears over me and to get better so I can come home
Was it the four seasons episode?
literally the first episode
i was sick this week and needed a comfort show to put on so i could stop thinking bout how miserable i felt so i just let it ride from the beginning
literally the first episode
i was sick this week and needed a comfort show to put on so i could stop thinking bout how miserable i felt so i just let it ride from the beginning
Incredible show
literally the first episode
i was sick this week and needed a comfort show to put on so i could stop thinking bout how miserable i felt so i just let it ride from the beginning
early eps of samurai jack always make me feel like im that toddler in 02 again no matter how old i am
combine that with it being the kinda show it is and it just hits you mane…