can be tv show, youtube videos, movie, podcast even a certain person you know whos really funny literally anything what makes you laugh the MOST in your life??
some shows for me that come to mind would be always sunny or community both always hit for me and pretty much any episode gonna be hilarious
I feel like anymore it's the most random s***. Like yesterday I saw this and burst out laughing
Patrice O'Neal Elephant In The Room will always make me laugh, its a classic piece of media
My life
Also this
Hyper imaginative scenarios and unhinged, psychotic dialogue I make up in my mind that will never happen
my wife lol she's very funny
myself lol i am also very funny
The other day i was walking to work and slipped and fell on my ass lol made me laugh hard
When people say to me that someone they loved died. Its not intentionally it jus happens
Myself fr
When people say to me that someone they loved died. Its not intentionally it jus happens
So morbid. Laugh at some funny s*** man
my wife lol she's very funny
myself lol i am also very funny
So morbid. Laugh at some funny s*** man
Sorry man its not that i laugh because they are suffering its because of the randomness n s*** like that
Nigga a psychopath
Nah i am a good man. Proud muslim. I sometimes do mistake like every other guy
@Plane post history @PorkTownMyspace thread history