Aight. So I saw this trailer maybe 3 years ago, it came out in the late 2010’s but I’m not exactly sure what year. here’s what I remember from the trailer
It was pretty frantically cut and didn’t really explain much of the plot. It seemed to be about a girl (teenage to mid 20’s) going on a killing spree? But it didn’t really seem like a horror movie or a comedy, the vibe I was getting was more natural born killers.
There’s a shot of her sitting on the beach and neon lights (maybe cop lights) were lighting up the beach. I seem to remember something to do with cereal (her eating cereal or pouring milk on herself or some s*** I remember it being off putting). There was quick cuts to a cartoon show.
The final shot of the trailer I think had her filming a guy that she was about to kill on a street corner at night, and he was like confused at why she was filming him.
Definitely a low budget movie, but I’ve never been able to find anything about this movie again and it’s driving me crazy
ask r/tipofmytongue
I tried once and they took it down because it wasn’t formatted correctly so I gave up lmao. Guess I’ll try again lmao