On a serious note doe- I would like to have a kid before leaving this earth
u gon leave ur kid without a father
cocaine, heroine, meth
order 3 hookers at the same time
rob a corner store
great stuff
Try crack
cocaine, heroine, meth
order 3 hookers at the same time
rob a corner store
why would you cause grief to some poor store owner.
Try crack
dont listen to this advice (as somebody who has tried crack multiple times)
dont listen to this advice (as somebody who has tried crack multiple times)
I’ll be dead moments after so idc
I’ll be dead moments after so idc
nope moments after you'll want more crack... trust me
dont listen to this advice (as somebody who has tried crack multiple times)
I recreationally smoke crack without any issues. It is not for everyone, but some people can smoke recreationally. It varies from person to person. Crack is not as addictive as some people make out.
I recreationally smoke crack without any issues. It is not for everyone, but some people can smoke recreationally. It varies from person to person. Crack is not as addictive as some people make out.