  • Nov 8, 2019

    ktt2 is rly a playground for POLtard Nazis peddling their piddly antisemitic ideologies

  • Nov 8, 2019
    We R Water

    Real. I really wish AJ would name the juice already. He's been tiptoeing around it forever.

    That's the only thing keeping me from purchasing X Force LMFAOOOOOOO

    LOL haha

  • Nov 8, 2019
    based alpha chad

    A lil new to hearing Israel/Zion playing a role in 9/11. Have any links to some info on that?

    Yeah I did a research paper about the 9/11 conspiracy in 8th grade. My teacher wrote “wow” and “I didn’t know that” all throughout the paper lol.

    Not an expert on the matter but there is some info about the insurance policy on the building, a lot of people of the same group conveniently didn’t show up for work that day and some other things that look to be more than coincidences.

    A lot of people died in a senseless war and had their lives forever changed over a bunch of lies.

  • Nov 8, 2019

    mario kart 8 on nintendo switch

  • Nov 8, 2019
    based alpha chad

    A lil new to hearing Israel/Zion playing a role in 9/11. Have any links to some info on that?

    Here is some information that I am copy pasting from one of the best sources in relation to Gematria

    This website tries to say there is no conspiracy with George H.W. Bush using using the phrase 'New World Order'. Notice the date of the second admission, March 6, 1991.
    3/6/1991 = 3+6+19+91 = 119

    September 11 is written as 11/9 in most parts of the World. '119' is a special numbers to the Freemasons and Zionists who run things at the top.
    With regards to the date March 6, it is much like 3/6, or '36'. When you sum 1 through 36, it totals 666, the 'Number of the Beast'.

    Now... the latest New World Order Republican President.

    11/9 (November 9...) (Announced as 45th President 11/9/2016)

    Donald was announced as the 45th President, in the early hours of November 9, 2016, the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Of course, a big part of Donald's campaign is building a wall... For the record, the Berlin Wall was part of the NWO agenda by the numbers.

    Here is some interesting facts in regards to the connection of The Matrix to 9/11

    September 11 is commonly written 11/9, something like 119, and Neo is from 'Capital City' in the film according to his passport. Passport = 34; Neo = 34

    Never forget Flight 77 on September 11, which crashed into the 77 foot tall Pentagon on the 77th meridian exactly 77 minutes after taking off.

    Never forget the story about 9/11 and the pancake eating contest either.

    Pancake Eating Contest = 77

    Every word above has gematria of 77.
    The Matrix released just before September 11, 2001. It was the biggest movie with Fight Club at the time. Fight Club ends with world banking towers falling in free fall...

    Hundred Twenty Eight = 85; Matrix = 85
    New York = 111; One Hundred Twenty Eight = 111; September 11 leaves 111-days left in year
    False Flag = 33
    Freemason = 96; Knowledge = 96

    128 is 1+2+8 = 11

    Neo has gematria of '11'. (Neo, or "One", is the hero of the film)

    *Keanu = 16 (Actor who plays Neo)

    Canaan = 128
    Destroyed = 128
    Religious = 128 (Attack at 8:45, hand 8 and 9; Religion = 89)

    Metropolis = 128
    Downtown = 128
    Dark Tower = 128 (Movie released in post 9/11 world)
    Power Grid = 128 (Janet Napolitano said next 9/11 would be power grid)

    Remember, 9/11 had everything to do with Tisha B'Av... which has much to do with ancient Israel and Canaan. Tisha B'Av is to remember the destruction of the two temples, Solomon's and Herod's.

    Tish B'Av = 911; al-Qaeda terrorist attack = 911; Jihadists = 911; Division = 911
    Tisha B'Av = 134; Ninth of Av = 134; Wachowski Brothers = 134
    *Wachowski Brothers = 116 (911 upside down)

    There's a lot more things interesting about 128, perhaps you can find some?

    ALSO, Zion is a huge word in the Matrix. September 11 was part of the ZIONist agenda.

    Zion = 64; Israel = 64; Thelema = 64; Do what thou wilt = 64; Synagogue of Satan = 64

    From the Australian release of the film to September 11 was 888-days.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    manifesting. if you really think and focus on something it can come true. crazy s***.

    Dis hard

  • Nov 9, 2019

    @We_R_Water im curious regarding where you learned this stuff dude its interesting and i wanna learn more

    what level of education r u @ rn

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    manifesting. if you really think and focus on something it can come true. crazy s***.

    This is very true. You can manifest negative stuff too. I almost killed myself doing it.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    When u see that distortion in the air from heat

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    The other day I was driving and the road around the corner appeared grainy like it hadn’t fully rendered yet this I got closer. S*** was weird.

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    This is very true. You can manifest negative stuff too. I almost killed myself doing it.

    oh wow. never knew you can manifest bad stuff. care to explain?

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Biblical prophecies that are being fulfilled right in front of our very eyes

    Revelation 9:14
    one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates."

    Revelation 16:12
    The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates; and its water was dried up, so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east.

  • Nov 10, 2019

    oh wow. never knew you can manifest bad stuff. care to explain?

    Yeah it works exactly how you suggested for the most part. If you become fixated on positive things you can attract them. If you become fixated on negative things you attract them.

    While in a very depressed state, I wrote that I wanted to die on a sheet of paper and backed it up with will and emotion (two things needed to manifest). Within an hour or two, I almost got into a terrible car accident with an 18-wheeler and another truck on the highway. We were all going about 70 mph or so. There were many more cars out too. There’s absolutely no way we all should have made it but we did. It’s wild.

    I know this could seem like a coincidence but manifesting is real. I know what I wrote and the state of my mind was the cause of it. Even if it seems crazy to others. I have done it in other ways since then. But it works for whatever you place in your mind. Not just positive occurrences.

  • Nov 10, 2019

    Corbett Report is one of the only independent news sources i rely on

  • Nov 10, 2019

    'Yea I would rather trust my own experiences on d**** over what some white dude theorized because he was contractually obligated to theorize it. how absurd'

    'Keep believing your gov't funded "science" tho coz they told you to in elementary school broski'

    'its literally just made up big words to make sense of what we see and experience bro. water is h2o sure but its still just water at the end of the day'

    'Why is more probable. coz some "scientist" in science magazine told you so? lmfaooo'

    'we are all psychic and godlike in nature. they want to keep that hidden from us tho so they confuse us with made up bullshit like simulation theory and space.'

    bro, what?
    science can definetely be manipulated. how do you not know that?

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    not too long ago they was telling us that we black people are inferior animals. and it was proven. by their "science"
    There is still an ideology called eugenics and the tippity top are into that s***. next time you buy the next xbox, know you're funding bill gate's latest hobbies in africa

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 10, 2019

    money being accepted as real

    Money is just a promise from a computer change my mind

  • Nov 17, 2019

    not too long ago they was telling us that we black people are inferior animals. and it was proven. by their "science"
    There is still an ideology called eugenics and the tippity top are into that s***. next time you buy the next xbox, know you're funding bill gate's latest hobbies in africa

  • Nov 17, 2019

    Danielle Bregoli being 15 for a decade

  • Nov 17, 2019
    1 reply

    Since 2014 s***s been crazy

    Since 2014? Just 70 years prior there was a full on World War with nukes.😂

  • Nov 17, 2019

    deja vu probably

    how tf does that work

  • Nov 17, 2019

    I lowkey think I'm the only person that's real and other people are just lifeless robots.

    But I won't ever go as far as to do something horrible to another human being; I think i'm a good person.

  • Nov 17, 2019

    Trump being president is peak "we live in a simulation"

  • Nov 17, 2019

    The various synchronicities that keep popping up

  • Nov 17, 2019
    06 Kobe

    Since 2014? Just 70 years prior there was a full on World War with nukes.😂

    A simulation has nothing to do with war
