honestly though i just recently started using pto for random lil breaks and i feel stupid for not doing it before lol, you got the time might as well just use it.
One thing I miss about the factory (lol) is taking like every other Monday off paid lmao.
Those 4 day weeks hit reaaaallll diff
Donate them to an employee who needs them
Why would you ever think its okay to miss work
I take 1-2 paid sick days a month just cause I can, lowkey why they're there (I only get actually sick like once a year)
but yeah just make it a staycation if you can, catch up with friends, etc.
Holy s*** 320 hours is like 8 weeks of vacay
such a degen answer
welcome to ktt2.
Just used a sick day to hoop and just mentally burnt out and my manager tried to give me s*** for it
F*** off
Taking off work to play basketball >>>
Embrace the four-day work week.
Probably the best answer for your mental. Just take every Monday or Friday off for the rest of the year and you'll see how much more relaxed you can be lol
Personally, I used to like taking off random Wednesdays. A reset in the middle of the week can be a big help.