Pop Style
I'm Upset
Rachet Happy Birthday
Dont Matter To Me
Tootsie Slide
Girls Want Girls
Way 2 Sexy
F***ing Fans
Scorpion the 9th most streamed album of all time u goofy
s*** is boring as f*** he sounds flat and uninspired
stop d***eating sometimes
How do y’all hate some of these songs
I don’t know how anyone can hate 8 out of 10, perfect soulful beat with Drake barring up and a catchy hook
Real ones appreciate Glow too
hook is terrible
Summer Games that s*** is unlistenable
You know a nigga got trash taste if he hype up this song
You have the right to your opinion, I won’t cap on you for it haha. But can you explain why you don’t like these songs?
I don't like pop music.. I like r&b drake
He got songs that I don’t care for but ones I straight up dislike is a short ass list if that
RHB hands down that just ain’t it sorry
RHB is absolute flames
the second verse is lovely ya bugging
RHB is absolute flames
the second verse is lovely ya bugging
Then buggin is what I am
i hate the obnoxious cymbals especially since it's a relaxing song. maybe listened to it once or twice. song's f***ing atrocious. worst drake song and that's a fact not opinion. all y'all mfers always have the worst takes when it comes to worst drake song. "gLow" "To thE MaX" like pick a song that's actually bad, and no one ever says Crew Love. in fact no one ever agrees with me that the song's literal dirt and it gets me so f***ing triggered
imagine being this heated and wrong at the same time