Normally, I woulda said 23 years old, I had so much fun at 23.
But I would say right now, in the prime of my life with a new mindset. Been this way a few months now
s*** man it was the best of times it was the worse of times.
I'd say for right now one of the best moments I remember was when the track coach finally taught me how to run, and had us jog one lap.
I ended up sprinting because I couldn't stop myself from running the correct way for the first time in my life.
Coach told me to slow down and I've never been able to run like that ever since
top feeling in my life.
You know what the whole summer of 2013.
Pretty dope ass summer.
freshman year of college when i was 18-19
probably my last two years of high school. not because i peaked then but it was just nice to not have to worry about s*** financially far as having the most fun though probably 2nd year of college
Right now. cuz it’s all that’s real
The past is dead
I need new peaks.
Real asf