Hey Guys,
Whats a good idea or two for white elephant?
Guys and girls playing
$25 or so is the maximum
Update on what I am debating between right now:
Travel Pillow
Shower Speaker
Good socks
Journal and Pens
Watercolor set
A coffee table game like Jenga
Gift Card
A roll of 35mm film or even a disposable camera
i got a 2 piece white elephant gift. A pack of "stress less" cards and a cross stitch kit. Came out at like 22 bucks. I just waked into barnes and noble and looked around til I found some good stuff.
Gift cards
Mini girdle
Food scales
Board games
Taco holders/kitchen stuff accessories/ etc
Surge protector
Pro tip look under the gifts under $30 category on Amazon, I legit just had a buy a few things for a couple of holiday parties I have coming up myself
just give em the $25
just give em the $25
Weak af
Colgate Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen
Lava Lamps are $20
Something on uncommon goods or something
bought a mini waffle maker and griddle set thing when i went to one last year
Sonic Heroes for ps2 complete with manual black label
Gift cards
Mini girdle
Food scales
Board games
Taco holders/kitchen stuff accessories/ etc
Surge protector
Pro tip look under the gifts under $30 category on Amazon, I legit just had a buy a few things for a couple of holiday parties I have coming up myself
Eh nothing too exciting besides a taco holder
WHat did you buy?
Only good answer in here
Most people got one though, look at what I just posted as options
First time in my life I've heard White Elephant.
How old are you? I never played until a year or 2 ago
f*** white elephant exchanges
the good gift the universe let's u unwrap off rip always gets stolen by some white b****
f*** white elephant exchanges
the good gift the universe let's u unwrap off rip always gets stolen by some white b****
So true.