That first photo, first exposure visually to an artist that ended up being one of your favorites of all time.
It doesn’t have to be a photo too. For example, my first memory of Kanye was the video for through the wire.
One photo however that has stuck with me, was when I first saw this photo of The Weeknd on YouTube, which was accompanied by Wicked Games
That first photo, first exposure visually to an artist that ended up being one of your favorites of all time.
It doesn’t have to be a photo too. For example, my first memory of Kanye was the video for through the wire.
One photo however that has stuck with me, was when I first saw this photo of The Weeknd on YouTube, which was accompanied by Wicked Games
Came ITT to post this exact image
oh god at Op's answer..
What was the first image you saw? 🤔
Came ITT to post this exact image
One photo however that has stuck with me, was when I first saw this photo of Drake, which was accompanied by SFTB
its nothing but s*** posts (almost literally) above and we wonder why music sxn is ass
Didn’t stick with me was just the first time I saw dude
One photo however that has stuck with me, was when I first saw this photo of Drake, which was accompanied by SFTB
That was such a dope moment in time
Same bro