akon lonely but i got a clip of bill clinton saying he didnt have sexual relations with those women instead
Not pirating but probably Burn after rolling or everybody’s nobody. Cousin put me on.
Pirated song probably some TI leaks like All G or something around his prison time
Or Soulja boy tbh I don’t even know.
I used to record that s*** on my flip phone so I didn’t have to ask my mom to buy me a ringtone
I was looking for a song by usher but when I downloaded it was an animal collective song
I was pirating with my stepdad since I was like 8. no idea
Edit: Bring ‘Em Out by T.I. And the Fatman Scoop Timbaland song from You Got Served were probably choices
I used to have real cds and bootlegs but by the time i was on a computer downloading s*** maybe 5th 6th grade
Most of y’all prolly too young to remember downloading songs off MySpace though
Damn im old as s***