someone please help me remember what movie this was...
i vagely remember the movie had an apartment scene and it was maybe one or two people that held to be hostage in it and one of them accidentally may have taken LSD or some hallucigen and it became really brutal
the movie was like an action thriller and i remember their was like a russian body guard guarding the exit and they were suppose to stay trapped and held in the room until something happened.
it feels like it was a recent film
are you talking about s2e8 of Netflix’s show You?
nawww it was a recent film
i feel i remember one of the ppl in the apartment trying to go out the window too while he was hallucinating or something
nawww it was a recent film
i feel i remember one of the ppl in the apartment trying to go out the window too while he was hallucinating or something
Good time with Robert Pattinson???
nawww it was a recent film
i feel i remember one of the ppl in the apartment trying to go out the window too while he was hallucinating or something
have you seen that tho? it’s damn near what you’re describing
but uhhh idk. Good Time or Bandersnatch?
Good time with Robert Pattinson???
But Good Time didn't have some Russian guard guy