  • Oct 31, 2020

    Wayne kinda inspired me to just do me even if everyone else doing something else.

  • Oct 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Been into music for so long I can't even imagine how I would be without it lol

    But I remember that in my early teens I started developing some ideas about society and then when I discovered certain artists it gave me assurance that I wasn't crazy, bc no one I knew irl at the time could really understand and support me.

    I saw myself in them a lot more than family members or friends I grew up with.

    It gave me more confidence to be myself and to be bold.

    it's an essential part of life fr, for the creator and listener

    im glad to hear that you take away so much from it bro, ty for sharing
    that's also testament to your taste because all the artists I've learned through you, have led me to being a better person 🤗

  • Oct 31, 2020
    1 reply

    probably not very different

    edit: I read the title wrong

    nothing would really be different

  • Oct 31, 2020

    kanye made me be open to new possibilities and explore myself, that changed my life

  • Oct 31, 2020
    lucky star

    I always think about this...

    I really got into Vampire Weekend when I was like 10 or 11. I would listen to interviews of theirs and would listen to artists they mentioned or worked with. This built my musical taste and one of these artists was Kanye. Through Kanye, I got into hip hop in general and became interested in fashion and really started developing a visual taste outside of music. I got into people like Pusha, N.E.R.D., Tyler and odd future, James Blake, etc. a lot of these artists helped build my confidence and always gave me things to look forward to. Overall, it helped develop my personality and the communities I found through my favorite artists made me feel less alone in high school.
    I discovered KTT as a result and I also met a lot of friends through Kanye. It started a web of different things I’ve gotten into like other artists, movies, etc.

    Music really changed my life


  • Oct 31, 2020

    If I never found micheal jackson or lil Wayne I seriously have no clue. And if I never got into all those alternative bands and 60-70s bands idk. Wouldn’t be nothing how I am now. That was basically my childhood hero’s

  • Oct 31, 2020

    probably wouldn't have even half of my confidence. iw outdent have as many aspirations in life and prolly woulda been depressed out my mind

  • Oct 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Tyler def for this new generation.

  • Oct 31, 2020

    if i never found future i’d probably be a simp

  • Oct 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Wouldn’t know how to dress well, would be afraid to be myself, probably would’ve never seen a therapist or take Lexapro

  • Oct 31, 2020

    MBDTF is in my DNA at this point. Ever since 18 I was never the same.. the leak of that album changed my life 💯

  • Oct 31, 2020

    probably would've never been as comfortable dressing and being different honestly.
    have to thank Pharrell, Andre and Ye for that.

  • Oct 31, 2020

    truly tho with Kanye being a black man coming from the south side of Chicago to a single mother and becoming the richest rap artist, heading a billion dollar shoe company, and venturing in architecture and design; that s*** is so inspiring man like you'd never know how it feels to be in that same qualification as him and knowing you can go out achieve that

  • Oct 31, 2020

    Wouldn’t know how to dress well, would be afraid to be myself, probably would’ve never seen a therapist or take Lexapro

  • Oct 31, 2020

    just so different

    thank u kanye

  • Oct 31, 2020

    Yeah kanye changed my life forreal
    Yeezus was the album to spark my passion in production who knows what id be doing without that

  • blah

    probably not very different

    edit: I read the title wrong

    nothing would really be different

  • Oct 31, 2020

    If I hadn’t discovered Gunna I wouldn’t be addicted to whippets

  • Oct 31, 2020

    I’d be a pro gamer

  • Nov 1, 2020
    1 reply

    it's an essential part of life fr, for the creator and listener

    im glad to hear that you take away so much from it bro, ty for sharing
    that's also testament to your taste because all the artists I've learned through you, have led me to being a better person 🤗

    This post lowkey made my day and I was too shy to tell you 🙈

  • Would be like 4 inches shorter with bad skin