  • Jan 13
    1 reply
    · edited

    PSA to anyone sending nudes in snap because I’ve never actually seen this discussed anywhere: it’s very easy to screenshot and screen record by simply opening the snap while on airplane mode then deleting and reinstalling the app. don’t send nudes on there unless you would send them on text or something ie if you’re fine with people saving them because either this seems to be a very unspoken rule for toxic niggas or I’m one of the few who know about it which i doubt

    I don't think anybody going through all that effort for pictures of my 10CM when erect pecker but I appreciate the concern

  • Jan 13

    I still use it for group chats but I never use it for 1-1 stuff

  • Jan 13
    1 reply

    You’re 30 years old on ktt2 asking us if you’re too old to have a Snapchat

    Why tf would you think being on here is more fitting for your age? Bottom line is that old heads be a***yzing s*** too much. Nobody thinking “30 with Snapchat” except you. It’s social media and you’re only 5 years older than these b****es. Why wouldn’t yall be using the same platforms?

  • Jan 13

    I’ve always used it for the stories really and occasionally texting friends. Tbh my older friends seem to use it (at least that I see) more than the younger ones.

  • ppl still use it in college so i continue to use it ..

  • Snap is great if you wanna buy d**** or hookers, it’s all up in your face on it

  • Jan 13

    overthinking it bro

  • Title is hilarious

  • Jan 13

    Ain’t no upper age limit on receiving and sending nudes (lower limit is 18!)

  • Kr0niic

    Ain’t no upper age limit on receiving and sending nudes (lower limit is 18!)

  • Jan 13
    1 reply

    what is this 2018

  • Drogon

    mother nature and father time are the undefeated tag team since time immemorial, and you're going to find out about that real soon.

    using snapchat to communicate with someone who primarily communicates using snapchat is a non issue

  • Only thing left on Snapchat, is hoes, d*** dealers , and prostitutes.

    If a shorty front me her Snapchat then I already understand the assignment.

  • bro is 30 feeling like an old man relax dude

  • Jan 13

    Haven’t used snap since 2019

  • Jan 13

    Lowkey want to delete it

    Notification spam is just ridiculous. Been slowly killing off my streaks too

  • Jan 13

    Snapchat is for f***ing it has no age s*** is rated A

  • Jan 13

    Haven’t used that s*** in years, it’s catered toward younger folk and not old washed individuals like myself

  • I logged back into that s*** the other day after like 6 years and found a funny ass groupchat from some local friends lmao

  • My buddy has it to “buy coke” but I think he’s shooting off his wee wee on there, too

  • Jan 14
    BlueChew Sean

    I don't think anybody going through all that effort for pictures of my 10CM when erect pecker but I appreciate the concern

    that really isn’t that much effort, you can literally do all that in under 30 seconds for a screenshot depending on your internet. but you do you

  • Who cares. Do what you enjoy doing.

  • Shampoo Bracelets

    You’re 30 years old on ktt2 asking us if you’re too old to have a Snapchat

    Why tf would you think being on here is more fitting for your age? Bottom line is that old heads be a***yzing s*** too much. Nobody thinking “30 with Snapchat” except you. It’s social media and you’re only 5 years older than these b****es. Why wouldn’t yall be using the same platforms?

    i only see rampant ageism like this on this site atp most people literally do not care

  • Jan 14

    having a age limit on an app or looking at ppl weird for enjoying it when it’s not that far off from an insta or fb is kinda weird too tho

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    what is this 2018

    Their user base actually doubled since then

    I think we all severely underestimate how there is an entire generation of middle and elementary school kids who watched us high schoolers and college kids use an app like Snapchat and now it’s their turn lmfao. Most have TikTok or Snapchat, IG/Twitter is for older Gen Z and millennials.