Nationalize Blackrock and other companies owning property and redistribute their properties to Americans (35% of America does not own a home, Blackrock alone owns $120bn in American homes). Nationalize other private properties and redistribute to tenants.
Nationalize and consolidate American energy companies. End oil exports, cut the fat, reopen nuclear energy, and invest in thorium-solar energy
Nationalize ALL companies that have gone public. End Facebook, keep the rest of social media
Begin a federal works program to transform the transportation system of this country and replace road with path and rail as our primary means of transportation
Redraw state lines more logically, providing political autonomy to the Black Belt, Native Americana, and indigenous Hawaiians
End American military presence in its current form instead politically guaranteeing the self-determination of nations in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Withdraw political support for the EU, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Focus on building political support the third world
Cooperate with China on the BRI
Restructure American education to teach independent thinking, self-consciousness and critical a***ysis rather than preparation for the workplace and uncritical praise for existent institutions . Replace existing political education with a system that emphasizes continued criticism of underlying government structures, understanding that the government must continue to change if it wishes to be satisfactory to the people.
Extend this line of thought by restructuring the political system of the United States. Ensure that political criticism and participation is a mainstay in American culture. Replace local elections and city councils with local party unions electing representatives to a local council. Local councils then create legislation for all citizens in their jurisdiction. All citizens can vote on legislation, organize official meetings to submit revisions of legislation, and even organize referendums for recall or replacement of local councilpeople. All final votes on legislation are based on the popular democracy of the citizens within the given jurisdiction. The council may only vote to block (not veto) and revise legislature unless overruled with a 66% majority. Extend this system to county, state, and national systems. Emplace political commissars internally to vet and oversee for corruption
Put s*** into space again, it would be very dope
Integrate all finance companies into an economic ministry to use their brain power (lol) to centrally plan the American economy to become post-scarcity and post-commodity
Nuke Manchester, Marseilles, and Frankfurt
Ensure labor organization under the state. Labor Unions are entitled to dictate workplace conditions, and the structure and mechanics of their political system is separate from local democracy under an economic ministry, yet still tied to it.
Abolish the police, the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the DEA, and other law enforcement agencies in its existent form. “Law enforcement” structures are now entirely under the orders of their respective councils (town, county, state, country) and cannot unionize. All law enforcement is elected directly by local populace, or by councils at the state and nationalize level. Officers of a higher jurisdiction can only involve themselves first if a lower jurisdiction votes on allowing such. Law enforcement as a whole is now based on community policing, social wellness, and disciplinary action rather than violence and property seizure.
do you think about being a totalitarian leader often or what’s up?
do you think about being a totalitarian leader often or what’s up?
I have a political agenda because I’m politically active
I have a political agenda because I’m politically active
ofc im just foolin