  • Apr 10, 2022
    1 reply

    New Ip

    Takes place during medieval times. Voice acting and motion capture would be TLOU2 level of quality.
    It wouldn't be open world like Skyrim, Witcher would be story based like TLOU.

    Combat would feel visceral and brutal, and the tone would be dark af

    Now that you say it a semi open world Naughty Dog game would be tight asf

    I wanna see them make something in a genre gaming has never really explored

    Like something accessible to like everyone but something girls would mainly like

    Like the grandness and cinematic s*** of Uncharted but cute fun and accessible like Animal Crossing 😭😭

  • Apr 12, 2022
    1 reply

    A new IP about football, where you play as the football

  • Apr 12, 2022


  • Apr 12, 2022

    Something under water

  • Apr 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Niggas itt talmbout "good gameplay" foh

  • Apr 14, 2022
    1 reply

    tlou origins: the murder years

    tlou 3: joel's revenge

  • PIMP 💿
    Apr 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Handsome Bachelor

    Niggas itt talmbout "good gameplay" foh

    Ban everybody that says naughty dog need to make good gameplay but be playin soulsborne

  • Apr 14, 2022

    a new last of us + a new type of game

  • Apr 14, 2022

    TLOU2 gameplay in a more action packed game. Factions is lit because it’s straight gameplay no downtime with 30 min cutscenes and exploration.

    Some max Payne s*** would be hard

  • Apr 14, 2022

    Fun gameplay

  • Apr 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Ban everybody that says naughty dog need to make good gameplay but be playin soulsborne

    From gameplay 10x as good as ND every time lmao you mad as s*** 🤡

  • Apr 14, 2022
    2 replies

    A new IP about football, where you play as the football

    I know u joking but I do wonder what I’d be like if one of these big developers made a sports game

  • Apr 14, 2022
    3 replies

    I know u joking but I do wonder what I’d be like if one of these big developers made a sports game

    I’ve always wanted an open world backyard sports game, where the main hub is set in a neighborhood with a park, 100 other players in the lobby decked out in cosmetics, and you can choose to compete in various matches like tetherball, four square, kickball, flag football, capture the flag, dodgeball, etc.

    With 100 players in each server, there will be 100 houses in the neighborhood. Each house is owned by each of the players and will refresh to another player’s house as players enter and exit the server. The top earning players get priority with their houses displayed on the street across from the park or some s*** like that. Would be a fun ass game imo

  • Apr 14, 2022

    An open world rpg

  • Apr 14, 2022

    I’ve always wanted an open world backyard sports game, where the main hub is set in a neighborhood with a park, 100 other players in the lobby decked out in cosmetics, and you can choose to compete in various matches like tetherball, four square, kickball, flag football, capture the flag, dodgeball, etc.

    With 100 players in each server, there will be 100 houses in the neighborhood. Each house is owned by each of the players and will refresh to another player’s house as players enter and exit the server. The top earning players get priority with their houses displayed on the street across from the park or some s*** like that. Would be a fun ass game imo

    that’s a good idea fr

  • Apr 14, 2022

    Nathan Drake Puyo Puyo game

  • PIMP 💿
    Apr 14, 2022

    From gameplay 10x as good as ND every time lmao you mad as s*** 🤡


  • Apr 14, 2022

    transition away from the spectator games

    more involved gameplay in a new IP

  • Caucajun

    I’ve always wanted an open world backyard sports game, where the main hub is set in a neighborhood with a park, 100 other players in the lobby decked out in cosmetics, and you can choose to compete in various matches like tetherball, four square, kickball, flag football, capture the flag, dodgeball, etc.

    With 100 players in each server, there will be 100 houses in the neighborhood. Each house is owned by each of the players and will refresh to another player’s house as players enter and exit the server. The top earning players get priority with their houses displayed on the street across from the park or some s*** like that. Would be a fun ass game imo

    Yea that’d be tight asf kinda what I was thinking but I more so just want really simulation games but also really cool arcade experience’s how we had it in the 2000s

    Like if PlayStation made a super expensive football sim that was still somehow cinematic and grand how all there games are

    You know how cool that would be 😭 and i know the s***s possible

    Maybe like a college football game and it could have a really cool like coming of age story line where you play through your career with like different scenarios and stuff super realistic gameplay so you aren’t really gonna be super good

    Then a super deep dynasty mode mode with stories that occur week to week, you could have like the Athletic Director and the media saying s*** to you and putting pressure on you to do better having your job on the line of you don’t perform

    Then you could have actual relationships with some of your players making recruiting deep asf like give guys personality this would effect the locker room and s*** like you could take the 5 star with ego problems or the 3 star that has a great mindset and develop have these things effect the whole team

    also add in off the field drama which in turns gives the media more s*** to talk about and puts pressure on you
    This could also effect like recruiting and s***

  • Apr 14, 2022
    rise zero

    tlou origins: the murder years

    tlou 3: joel's revenge

    Wouldn't be mad at this. Show the "years that Joel took care of Tommy" lol

  • Apr 14, 2022

    I know u joking but I do wonder what I’d be like if one of these big developers made a sports game

    Right. Tbh, imagine how realistic they could make a basketball game with how TLOU 2 looks lol

  • Apr 14, 2022
    1 reply

    On a serious note, for everyone itt that keeps talking g about they need to make good gameplay,;

    They make 3rd person action adventure games. The games they make "play" like action adventure games. The only difference is, the quality of the animation in most cases is higher than most games imo.

    What is wrong with the way they do gameplay?

    I'm not saying their usnt room for improvement though. The gameplay from TLOU was definitely improved in part2.

  • Apr 14, 2022

    I’ve always wanted an open world backyard sports game, where the main hub is set in a neighborhood with a park, 100 other players in the lobby decked out in cosmetics, and you can choose to compete in various matches like tetherball, four square, kickball, flag football, capture the flag, dodgeball, etc.

    With 100 players in each server, there will be 100 houses in the neighborhood. Each house is owned by each of the players and will refresh to another player’s house as players enter and exit the server. The top earning players get priority with their houses displayed on the street across from the park or some s*** like that. Would be a fun ass game imo

    Sound kinda dope actually

  • High Fantasy or Pulpy 40s Sci Fi new IP

  • Apr 14, 2022
    2 replies
    Handsome Bachelor

    On a serious note, for everyone itt that keeps talking g about they need to make good gameplay,;

    They make 3rd person action adventure games. The games they make "play" like action adventure games. The only difference is, the quality of the animation in most cases is higher than most games imo.

    What is wrong with the way they do gameplay?

    I'm not saying their usnt room for improvement though. The gameplay from TLOU was definitely improved in part2.

    the gameplay is the exact same in every game they’ve made at least since the first Uncharted

    nobody tryna play the same game reskinned 15 different times