Genuine question to all the real music fans here: how much do you listen to music from playlists and algorithms, vs how much do you listen to off personal need?
(Like when you say “I feel like listening to some Drake rn” for example)
As an AM user myself, I strictly listen to whatever I feel like listening to on any given day, and then I usually let the AM algorithm take over the next songs in Que and I’ll usually skip some, or get inspired for another artist or band.
I will also say this: when it comes to hip hop, the AM algorithm is absolute GARBAGE DOGSHIT.
it will play the same basic Reddit/KTT2 tier “I just got into hip hop in 2016” songs. What’s sad is all those artists have great deep cuts but they’ll play the same songs if you play any rap song
Apple Music’s algorithm for rap songs in their weekly “We Think You’ll Love This” playlist is pretty good if you ❤️ enough albums, in my experience
But lately I switched from that to just listening to every rap album they have listed under New Releases in the genre page. So to answer the question, it went from probably 10% to 5%
2%, for some Dutch Afrobeats music my gf likes
I'd say greater than 90% of the music I listen to comes from playlists that I create these days.
My music listening comes exclusively from playlists I make.
But I'm pretty a*** about playlists, and make a ton of them. I have a playlists for just about any kind of music or whatever I'm feeling at that moment.
5% or some s***, I might nab a rec from the new music playlist I don’t listen to rap playlists
Like 90%. Those personal playlists and recommendations are almost exclusively how I find new stuff.
the ‘listen now’ page is useful on AM you might stumble on to adjacent artist to what you’re currently listening to yadayada etc
Everybody throwing out random percentages lmao
Y'all will clown it and the userbase is pretty silly but RYM got some heat on there. If you fully utilize it it's such an incredible database for music.