sounds good man
Perfect timing, I was just gonna see some loops I have, i'll send mp3s on your email
@mvp Sent u like three emails bro feel free
good looks bro I’ll take a listen later today and def let you know if I end up using anything
good looks bro I’ll take a listen later today and def let you know if I end up using anything
No worries its all cool
@WHaaaT @sentient_sherm_bag @Jeffscornacek appreciate it fellas 🙏🏼
@op hard
sounds like the s*** earl and mike be on.
u got good engineering on ur s*** too which is a big deal
@op hard
sounds like the s*** earl and mike be on.
u got good engineering on ur s*** too which is a big deal
appreciate it bro, I mix all my s*** too 😤
I feel like your voice isn't in its final form
It's good but it will get better
this hard, u got a nice voice + solid prod
I feel like it could be mixed better that kick/bass doesn't hit like it should
this hard, u got a nice voice + solid prod
I feel like it could be mixed better that kick/bass doesn't hit like it should
I appreciate it bro. you’re def right about the kick/bass
I feel like your voice isn't in its final form
It's good but it will get better
appreciate it man