All the s*** texans hype up is f***ing mid or garbage. The same goes for blue bell icecream it tastes like regular ass icecream u can get anywhere.
All the s*** texans hype up is f***ing mid or garbage. The same goes for blue bell icecream it tastes like regular ass icecream u can get anywhere.
Bluebell overrated as hell. HEB creamy creations is better tbh and that s***s store brand
Real ones know the best burger is the homemade one
What is better for burgers that's cheaper?
Idc about the cost so 5 guys is my favorite fast food burger, idk what else to try
The reason five guys is a joke is cuz you can make a better burger for a fifth of the cost of one meal at home for the whole family
How old are you to be eating fast food?
The reason five guys is a joke is cuz you can make a better burger for a fifth of the cost of one meal at home for the whole family
I absolutely can not do that bruh
And i do not have a stock of s*** like jalapenos and all that
I absolutely can not do that bruh
And i do not have a stock of s*** like jalapenos and all that
It’s so easy man
Try it
Yea but again I don't keep any toppings like that but cheese lol maybe onion or mushrooms
Regardless, I go to 5 guys so I don't have to cook at all. I do cook burgers for my wife and I prob 1 time a week tho
what the hell u getting at whataburger for 14 bucks
ok maybe $14 is a bit of an exaggeration
but it’s more pricey than most places
it used to be really good like a year or 2 ago. i heard they got bought by another company and ever since then it just went down hill. they like dropped a bunch of things from their menu too...not even big items but like add-ons to burgers and stuff like hot peppers, mushrooms, ect.
Whenever the Pico De Gallo burger comes around I eat way too much Whataburger. Otherwise, it's the occasional patty melt
EVERY time someone says this they get a regular ass non signature burger from whataburger
If anything kids should be the ones who shouldn’t eat fast food
Nah kids have they whole future to lose weight and s***, these adults staying fat
It's cause it got new owners from Chicago
The meat doesn't come from juarez anymore
Its a good and bad thing
Honey butter chicken biscuit> any other biscuit
Nut biscuit
@backflippin ghost wrote this